Couple of questions please

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Active Member
Jun 17, 2022
Reaction score
Hi all,

I have a few very specific questions I was hoping to have answered. I'll try and keep the post as brief as possible....

Firstly, live in Tropical QLD, more specifically south east QLD in the Moreton Bay region. Today we had a top of 35 degrees. On the cool end of the enclosure it reached 28 degrees. I am firstly wondering, should I turn off all heat for the duration of summer for my almost 2 year old stimsons? Or have heat on at night only? It will get to 28 ambient temps basically every day in the house through summer, perhaps even higher on really hot days. I am trying to avoid what I did last summer and that was run the aircon almost all summer long so make sure he had a cool end temp of 24/25. Worst case scenario is I will do the same as I did last year (looking forward to that power bill!)

Secondly, my python is approaching 80cm long and is in a 65x45x45, should I upgrade or is this enough? He utilises all of the enclosure including climbing to the top and sitting in his hammock.

Thirdly, to help retain heat I attached foam to 3 sizes of my glass enclosure (thanks petstore) which worked fantastically through winter. For the same principle should I now remove the foam so that heat can escape? Will it make it less hot in there for him?

I appreciate anyone who can take the time to answer these questions for me !

I have 6 Ants, My adult spotteds have no heat lamp now just UV and ambient temps in dragon room.
Adult childrens and Pygmy Banded python get 3 hours of heat in the morning plus UV 10 hours (different room)
Juvie and less than yearling in hatchie rack with thermo set at 32.5 max.
As for size i would suggest 90x60x60 but in wood not glass and you wont have to muck around with insulation in winter plus you can make a nice background