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you can get small hand held ones with hose/jet you put on your back, ive seen em on danoz direct. but ive seen similar at half the price at the warehouse. will defiatly try it out, steam will kill microbes so might be better than hours of soaking in bleach in the bath and scrubbing.
the cheap ones are need to get a gurney if you wanna do a real job
details fangs, you inscrutable bugger, details! ?????????? :D what's a gurney?
Gee, thanks Dan for mentioning my name in your desperate attempt to clarify what's wrong with your snake. People will now be under the assumption that there's something wrong with my animals. Ya go and spread my name all over the thread and now that you think you know what it is wrong with your snake I don't even get a retraction or even an apology that my animals were questionable. A PM would have been more appropriate and not printing my name for all and sundry to see which will leave doubt in people's minds.
That'll be the last time I open up my house to you or anyone involved with Reptiles.
Awwwwwwwwwww crap Greg.Then I take it that the BBQ at your place this weekend is off?
Great mate should be an awsome day as they always are.
The point being, there was no need to name ANYONE in that thread. If you felt there was an issue it should have been raised a lot more privately than that. Just being named is implication enough. Rumours start with a lot less and can be very damaging to a person't reputation. It's human nature and you were guilty of starting a "rumour".
I didn't PM you out of the same courtesy you showed me.
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