How is this for a port macquarie diamond

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2012
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Port Macquarie NSW
Never seen one so bright in my life,how do you not keep it for breeding!?!?
Looks like a nice big girl Ron. I saw one even brighter than this near Tinonee a couple of weeks ago, very beautiful animals. "Carries many parasites?" Apart from worms and ticks, which are usually not significant health issues unless the snake has other more serious problems, and are easily dealt with, what others does it carry?

Yeah just mainly worms and ticks, maybe mites? Just trying to explain why poaching Wild herps isn't a good idea.
Looks like a nice big girl Ron. I saw one even brighter than this near Tinonee a couple of weeks ago, very beautiful animals. "Carries many parasites?" Apart from worms and ticks, which are usually not significant health issues unless the snake has other more serious problems, and are easily dealt with, what others does it carry?


That's a funny thing Jamie, for some reason the really bright Port Mac Diamonds are usually to be found 15-30 k's from the coast, we get a smattering of brilliant yellows around the Rain Forest joint and in peoples yards close to it (which is why my bro did the release at Harry's as the Diamond was found about 500 mt from there) but on the whole the 1 my bro relocated is about as bright as the run of the mill Yellows get on the Coast, 1 day i will make it 1 of my mini crusades to find out "why is this so" (to quote Prof Julius Sumner Miller). ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -ronhalling
Are there more pics Ron? I could only see one close up of the snakes head and from other posts sounds like there's some I haven't seen
wow that is an beautiful snake, i love the colors; wow is the biggest they grow or do they grow bigger then this???
thanks for sharing the photos' with us :)
[MENTION=42336]pythonlover1984[/MENTION], they do grow much bigger than the 1 pictured, i personally have seen them up to 3 mt and as thick as my wrist, [MENTION=41820]pythoninfinite[/MENTION] and [MENTION=42298]Norm[/MENTION] will back that claim up, as a matter of fact Jamie (pythoninfinite) was telling us here in the forum about a couple of very big high yellows he seen at Telegraph point NSW which is about 25 Ks from here, that is 1 of the good things about the coast here if you do the miles you will get the smiles herping wise. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -ronhalling
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