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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2007
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Hi all,

Here is a start I will continue to add to it...... via editing


Brown, D 2012 A guide to Australian Dragons in Captivity, Reptile Publications, Burleigh

Brown, D 2012 A guide to Australian Geckos in Captivity, Reptile Publications, Burleigh

Brown, D 2012 A guide to Australian Monitors in Captivity, Reptile Publications, Burleigh

Brown, D 2012 A guide to Australian Skinks in Captivity, Reptile Publications, Burleigh

Canale, E, Isbister, GK & Currie, B 2009, ‘Investigating pressure bandaging for snakebite in a simulated setting: bandage type, training and the effect of transport, Emergency Medicine Australasia, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 184–190.[/h]

Cogger, HG, Cameron, E & Cogger H 1983 Zooological catalogue of Australia 1 Amphibia and reptilia, Australian Government Publishing Service. Canberra

Cogger, HG 2014, Reptiles and amphibians of Australia, CSIRO, Sydney.

Ehmann, H 1992 Encyclopaedia of Australian animals: reptiles, Collins Angus and Robertson, Sydney.

Eipper, S 2012 A guide to Australian frogs in Captivity, Reptile Publications, Burleigh

Eipper, S 2012 A guide to Australian Snakes in Captivity - Elapids and Colubrids, Reptile Publications, Burleigh

Elliott, A 2012 A guide to Australian Turtles in Captivity, Reptile Publications, Burleigh

Fry, BF, Holger, S, van der Weerd, L, Young, B, McNaughtan, J, Ramjan, R,Vidal, N, Poelmann, RE & Norman, JA 2008, ‘Evolution of an Arsenal-structural and functional diversification of the venom system in the advanced snakes (CAENOPHIDIA)’, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, vol 7, no. 2, pp. 215–246.

Gillam, MW 1979, ‘The genus Pseudonaja (Serpentes: Elapidae) in the Northern Territory’, Territory Parks and Wildlife Commission, Research Bulletin, no. 1.

Gow, GF 1989, Graeme Gow’s complete guide to Australian snakes, Angus and Robertson, Sydney.

Greer, AE 1987, The biology and evolution of Australian lizards, Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales.

Greer, AE 1997, The biology and evolution of Australian snakes, Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales.

Isbister, GK, Halkidis, L, O’Leary, MA, Whitaker, R, Cullen, P, Mulcahy, R, Bonnin, R & Brown SGA 2010, ‘Human anti-snake venom IgG antibodies in a previously bitten snake-handler, but no protection against local envenoming’, Toxicon, vol. 55, pp. 646–649.

Kuch, U, Keogh, Keogh, JS, Weigel, J, Smith, LA & Mebs, D 2005, ‘Phylogeography of Australia’s King Brown Snake (Pseudechis australis) reveals Pliocene divergence and Pleistocene dispersal of a top predator’, Naturwissenschaften vol. 92, pp. 121–127.

Mara, WP 1990 Venomous snakes of the world, TFH Publications.

Mirtschin, PJ & Davis, R 1991 Dangerous snakes of australia—an illustrated guide to Australia’s most venomous snakes, rev edn, Ure Smith Press, Willoughby, New South Wales.

Murphy, JC 2007, Homalopsid Snakes: evolution in the mud, Kreiger Publishing, Florida, USA.

Murphy, JC 2011, ‘The nomenclature and systematics of some Australiasian Homalopsid snakes (Squamata: Serpentes: Homalopsidae)’, The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 229–236.

O’Shea, MT 1996, A guide to the snakes of Papua New Guinea, Independent Publishing, Port Moresby.

Shine, R 1991, Australian Snakes—a natural history, Reed Books, Balgowlah, New South Wales.

Smith, HM & Chiszar, D 2006, ‘Dilemma of name recognition—why and when to use new combinations of scientific names. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 6–8.

Storr GM, Smith, LA & Johnstone, RE 2002, Snakes of Western Australia, (rev. edn), Western Australian Museum, Perth, Western Australia.
Sutherland, S K 1983, Australian Animal Toxins, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.

Wells, R & Wellington C, R, 1983 A synopsis of the class reptilia in Australia. Australian Journal of Herpetology, vol 1 no. 3 &4,

White, J 2001, CSL antivenom handbook, Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, Parkville, Melbourne.

Williams, D, Jensen, S, Nimorakiotakis, B & Winkel, KD (eds) 2005, Venomous bites and stings in Papua New Guinea – A guide to treatment for health workers and doctors, Australian Venom Research Unit, Melbourne.

Wilson, SK 2005, A field guide to reptiles of Queensland, New Holland, Chatswood, Sydney.

Wilson, SK & Swan G 2010, A complete guide to reptiles of Australia. New Holland, Chatswood, Sydney.

Worrell, E 1963, Reptiles of Australia, Angus and Robertson, Sydney.

Wuster, W, Dumbrell A J, Hay, C, Pook, CE, Williams, DJ & Fry, BF 2004,
‘Snakes across the Strait: trans-Torresian phylogeographic relationships in three genera of Australasian snakes (Serpentes: Elapidae: Acanthophis, Oxyuranus, and Pseudechis)’,
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 34, pp. 1–14.
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