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Dec 10, 2009
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What is (in your own opinions, this is just to get an idea) the most placid snake?

i hear all the time, jungles, waters and scrubbies etc are bitey and etc etc etc, but what about the other end of the stick? what are some naturally fairly chilled snakes?
Murray Darlings. I've heard mostly good things about them, and I have one that's 9 months old. I can handle him when he has cloudy eyes coming up to a shed, and he lets people pat him on the head. I can pretty much do anything with him, he's just a little sook :D
diamonds and bredli have lovely temperaments
I would say coastals are the most relaxed snake I own, and darwins are the craziest, way worse than any of my jungles!
I can only speak from my short experience with my own snakes over the last 12 months, I have 2x Bredli & 1x Woma (soon to be 2x), & both species are really really placid. Very easy & calm snakes. I'd probably say the Woma is even more laid back than the Bredlis, if that's possible.
Bredli for sure, we have 3, two females and a male and they are the best. Although the big girl is somewhat food responsive and will strike if she thinks you're food, shes still a biggg softy.

Our tiger snakes are fairly chilled out too lol
MDs! my boy has never tried to bite me or even gone into the stricking pose, my darwin is crazy too lol but she is only a juvy and has calmed down alot recently since i have been handling her more, not that it hurts though.
My Murray Darling is pretty much like a puppy dog but my olive is calmer again.
My palmy jungles are my placid pythons,never ever no trouble,they love my kids even my 2yr old daughter...well my adult stimmi is another story very cranky and has his good days but more bad days he loves to bite and work that one out!!
haha i have had some elapids calmer then pythons. especially tigers ... love my tigers :p but as far as pythons, i must have bought some wrank bredli.... man i got tagged all the time by them lol... took ages for them to simply get used to me.. my spotty's are pretty good, and always found mds good, black headed's are all bluff an big softies.
as far as the snakes i own i would not go past my olive so tame its nots funny, never even looking like striking or biting. My scrub is the same just a little more alert but i have not been bitten in a couple months and she hasnt really tried either
as far as the snakes i own i would not go past my olive so tame its nots funny, never even looking like striking or biting. My scrub is the same just a little more alert but i have not been bitten in a couple months and she hasnt really tried either

Some of my snakes almost that tame. I burst into laughter every time I see them!

All my Water Pythons are as placid as can be. I've had very nasty bredli, and nasty Olives (way back when). You will get exceptions to every rule, and usually you'll find that most people base their generalisations on just a small number of snakes, often only one individual.

If all you care about is playing with a pet snake and not being bitten, any python is likely to let you down at some point, especially if you are scared of them; they can't 'smell fear' but they pick up on your behaviour, so if you whip your hands away or always stay outside of striking distance, or shake and hesitate when going to pick them up, you're likely to encourage them to bite. Children's Pythons (all types) in my experience are prone to responding in this way, but will be very placid if you're confident. Bredli and Murray Darlings are usually fairly safe bets as dopey snakes which won't respond to fearful handling. Jungles are often prone to biting, regardless of your attitude.
I have a mate whose murray would give any scrub a run for its money lol but hes slowly getting better. I agree there are always exceptions and you can only go on generalisations which are extremely broad at best. Any snake can be bitey but some are just given a bad wrap
in my experience murreys like to rap you up ,
nearly every adult Md iv had ,when handling
suddenly goes really still, then latches on and rapes up.
but never really bites really quickly.

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