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ow. anyone know what to do >.>
"The white tailed spider is commonly found in homes throughout Australia. The bite of a white tailed spider can be painful and may cause skin lesions. However recent research suggests the white tailed spider's bite is unlikely to cause necrotising arachnidism, a rare condition characterised by both ulceration and skin loss"

you should be fine...unless you have an alergic reaction and go into anaphylactic shock, then you may die.
I have been bitten by heaps of venomous stuff, but im hardcore so it doesnt bother me.

Some venomous animals i have survived being envenomated by
Paper wasps
Common Tree Snakes
Small Varanids
Various small spiders
Ticks (i think they are venomous?)
Eel tail catfish

On the subject of White tail spiders, they have caused necrosis, it doesnt mean every bite will or that its the venom that causes it. I believe the actual cause isnt known, but when it happens in the exact same location as a white tail spider bite in heaps of cases there has to be something related to its bite.

Well there's truth in every story. I have definately been charged at by browns.

Thats unpossible, every pro herper knows a snake will never be aggresive, especially if its aggrivated.
worst ive had was bitten by a sleepy lizzard lol guess i should have been stickin my hands into holes took quite a considerable time to remove him too
We went to Thailand few months ago and went to see a snake show. Was talking to the guy after the show and he said he was biten by a cobra more then 50 times!!! He chopped 3 of his fingers, himself after he got bitten and showed us all the scars from other bites - everytime he would cut a piece of flash out so the venum wouldn't spread. He recons after the 15th bite he wasn't reacting to the bites anymore!!! How much of it is true - not sure but he seemed pretty real to me - bloody nuts but real: -)))
We went to Thailand few months ago and went to see a snake show. Was talking to the guy after the show and he said he was biten by a cobra more then 50 times!!! He chopped 3 of his fingers, himself after he got bitten and showed us all the scars from other bites - everytime he would cut a piece of flash out so the venum wouldn't spread. He recons after the 15th bite he wasn't reacting to the bites anymore!!! How much of it is true - not sure but he seemed pretty real to me - bloody nuts but real: -)))

Its is possible to develop a strong tolerance of venom, but you can also become hypersensitive resulting in anaphylactic shock which will kill you much faster than most snake venoms would normally and thats not to mention any potential long term damage. I dont envy anyone with exposure to bites from highly toxic species.
I've been bitten by Yellow-faced Whip snakes several times, each time progressively worse than the last. First one like a nasty bee sting, next a very swollen hand, so swollen I couldn't bend my fingers at all, last time a swollen hand and arm and I could feel something tingling it's way up my arm until it stopped in my armpit. No doubt I developed some type of allergy to the venom. That was a long time ago. Also got pricked on the finger by a Taipan but fortunately nothing came of it...very lucky!

My worst bite so far has been from a tick, nearly had to be hospitalised. Face swollen, Bells Palsy, hardly able to talk, very high fever etc. Still react badly to ticks so am particulary careful to get them off pretty quickly now.

And brown snakes chasing people....well here's one chasing me a couple of metres but this was only under the provocation of me being too close, probably not to be advised.

ahah dude no one is arguing or disagreeing with you regarding the Necrotic blistering issue, but every thing every one has described are known effect ie swelling, itchiness, regular blistering, redness, nausea etc and no one has described or implied a necrotic issue let it go already.

a while ago i think some thing bit me on my finger in my sleep, for about 2 weeks it was tender and i had dozens of little blisters pop up, then the skin on the area died and eventually it all cleared up, i don't know if it was a bite or a dermatological issue i'm leaning towards a bite tho a dermatological issue located on the end of one finger but no where else seems a little far fetched to me.
my friend lives in toowoomba and last year was bitten by a white tail spider and this year she has been bitten on the same finger unsure of the spider though, this bite happened last week and she went to the doctors she is now in hospital and has been since yesterday with her finger getting bigger and pain going into her armpit. i will know more tomorrow when she calls me or the hospital calls me as they might be operating on the site.
Bee - 6 weeks of corticosteroids and 3 rounds of antibiotics to clear up the infection. Was stung on the upper thigh on a Mexican beach.
Bull ants - crawled up my pants while I was teaching a biology class in bush near the school. Only a month of corticosteroids that time, but fun time getting ants out of pants without stripping in front of students!

SHREW - yes, they are venomous. I was bitten by a short-tailed shrew while trapping mammals in the US. Colleagues got very concerned and I thought they were kidding about venom. They were absolutely correct. Fortunately it bit me through a bag and didn't get all of the way through the skin, so no ill effects.
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I've been bitten by wasps, bee's and ants and they all hurt!! :lol:

Btw, I found this little Slatey Grey in the backyard the other day. I heard they were pretty harmless, so no worries there ;)

I have kept bees for years. Fortunately I don't react to stings like pythonmum. Get stung often on a daily basis. Only feel a bit woozy after thirty stings.

Out in the bush with the bees it is hard not be bitten by ants and spiders. Sometimes elapids get in the way. Only been bitten by a small-eyed snake that I was handling. Plenty of those Red -bellied "slatey -greys" out there. Just as well they are harmless

I come across antechinus in my bee caravan. They scavenge the dead bees. They would have to be the nearest thing out here to a shrew -with huge dirty teeth.
Antechinus may cause an infection and are the ecological equivalents of a shrew, but no venom. Platypus, on the other hand, have venomous spurs on their hind feet!
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