A bit sad !!!!

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I can see knowledgeable people being turned of when they answer a question with accurate information only for 5 newbies to give BS answer straight after, then offcourse the OP thinks the masses must be right.....
If I can be blunt most of the posts in any forum on any website are crap or time wasting. But as Waruikazi rightly points out every now and then a post that at first glance appears ridiculous may end up becoming a thread of really interesting and thought provoking ideas. See the post Waruikazi refers to earlier on Oenpelli pythons started earlier this year. This post was allowed to run its course even though at times it wondered off track and had the potential to become very opinionated and divisive and possibly denigrate into abusiveness. It didn't. Instead it beame one of the best threads I have seen in the several years I have been watching this website.

Well done to Solar 17 who has inadvertantly started another thread with the potential to be as good or better then the Oenpelli Python thread. For most of us who consider ourselves experienced keepers there is usually a common thread regardless of our many stations in life and differences. We are generally all time poor. This means that most of us who suffer with this problem would generally not even take the time to look at these forums let alone participate in them. I trawl these websites fairly regularly however, because I am constantly on the look out for new species of Dragon lizards to add to my collection. I must admit that I rarely come across anything but every now and then something like this pops up.

A criticism if I may regarding the operators and moderators of this site. There appears to be some unnecessary censorship taking place at times that may be the cause of some of the reluctance of the more experienced of us among the herp community to actually make any comments about anything online via these types of websites.

I notice with some interest that another thread referred to in this one was stopped dead in its tracks before AM Pythons had the right of reply to some interesting allegations and judgements about his character which I believe could have been handled better by the moderators. I don't personally know either of the protagonists, so I have no vested interest either way. However, you should have either let the thread flow or delete the offending post and then stop the thread. Normally I would not even open this type of thread and indeed I didn't until I was alerted to it by this one. What I find disappointing is that the thread was actually quite interesting for its content about the way AM Pythons tried to handle his situation with his egg bound python. Whilst I am not particularly against people making the comments about the animal being taken to a vet, I am very much against the ridiculous comments made by one thread poster which are entirely opinionated and added little value to the discussion and even more alarmed at the fact that the post has been allowed to stand and the right for AM Pythons to defend himself has been taken away from him (although apparently reinstated in this one).

How many times do I see the comment "take it to the vet" when someone asks a simple question about why an animal has such and such a condition. I actually don't have a problem with these types of questions because I see these types of questions as what this forum should be all about. What I do have a problem with is people imposing their values and beliefs onto somebody else. I have animals die on a fairly regular basis. Certainly 1 or 2 every month sometimes more. Thats what happens when you maintain a large collection of shortlived animals, they eventually die. Do I take my animals to a vet? Only once in the last 10 years. Why? Because it becomes a matter of personal judgement, expediancy and economics. Let the naysayers rain fire and brimstone down upon the head of longirostris for his blasphemy. Even then the diagnoses provided by the so called expert reptile/dragon vet was wrong and in spite of Xrays taken the animals affliction was not identified.

After 35 years as a keeper and with a collection numbering hundreds of individuals I am constantly looking for new information that will allow me to improve my husbandry. To do this I research the problem or the issue I may have and build up a set of information which I will then evaluate and if necessary make a decision about a course of action. If most people at least followed some of this path then the commentary in the posts in these threads would be of a much higher standard. Several people have already said it, "do some research first".

I have a very interesting topic that I have been researching for some time that I could bring to this forum in a new thread that I would love to get some experienced keepers comments on but to be perfectly honest I am very reluctant not only because of the censorship issue, (which I very much doubt would be a problem with my item unless it degenerated in some way into a slanging match), and/or fielding the ridiculous comments and statements made by ill informed people who have opinions about everything but very often know very little about what they have an opinion of.

Final comment if I may and please don't flame me for stating the obvious, again, which has already been said in other posts. "Veterans Corner", I don't think so. With great respect, 2 years as a member of this forum does not qualify that person as someone that can be relied upon to espouse vast amounts of facts or pearls of wisdom regarding the hobby of Herpetoculture or any facet thereof. To be perfectly honest I am not sure what does. Is it years of keeping and experience? Is it the number of times you have published something, Is it the number of peers you have as friends? Is it the number of animals you have in your collection and how many times you have bred them? Who knows?

The question is subjective in my view and therefor no right or wrong answer. I believe everyone can bring something of value to a discussion so long as it is informed, truthful and does not demean or belittle another person. The critical element in all of this discussion is censorship. The less of it the better, although I acknowledge and agree that some is absolutely vital, ie porn related content etc. The site is the most frequented of all the herp sites in Australia, it is a good site. Yes, there is a large amount of rubbish and people who are clogging up the site with said rubbish, but in the end it is most likely the censorship of these people that will drive your target market (experienced herpers making contributions) away.
I have been viewing this site for over 5 years now (You can pretty much do the same as a guest as you can as a member ,except post).

One of the biggest problems I see with the forum is the fact that some members seem untouchable no matter what they do while other newer members would receive an infraction/suspension/banning. It is usually the same few members who turn threads in to a joke or can't seem to help themselves but say something "witty" to a serious question or thread.

There are many instances of "Double standards" here, I went in to the chat room last night when I first registered and was shocked to see what/how members were talking. There was even a moderator in there getting in with the conversation with the same vulgarity. I understand that the members in there probably knew each other well and that it was quite late (10.30pm) but you can't advertise the forum as "child/family friendly" when such things are going on in a section that is accessible by all members no matter what age they are.
It would probably be a good thing to lead by example, I can only imagine what would happen to a regular member if they posted the same kind of stuff in a thread that the moderator was saying....It doesn't really seem fair and and I am pretty sure the moderator broke site rules by doing so.
So if that isn't a double standards or "the rules only apply to most" I don't know what is.

All I see is newer members asking questions being spoken down to and treated like idiots because they asked a question which other keepers may know but the poster may not, How great it must feel knowing you came in to a hobby as a newbie knowing everything. I have a fair bit of knowledge when it comes to reptiles but I am not afraid to admit that I don't know everything...Seems like a lot of members on here are though.

Also if there were threads started which didn't replicate others the forum might have a total thread count of 1000.
agreed baden when i joined over 1 yr ago i could make a post anytime day or night and get good informational help within no time these days i can post questions and not get a single reply not even a retarded 1 lol. whiloe im happy to do my own resurch (which i usually do anywyas) with so much doiversity in how things are done between people and countrys it can get very very confuseing for people like me who are beginners and makeing posts for confirmation on "am i doing this right " ect is very useful to beginers aswell as there confidence in what there doing.

there are still alot of great experienced herpers /breeders ect on this site that are active but everybody has a life outside the internet and with the lower amount of those people active it certainly shows in the responces given

just my opinion from what i have seen since joining it may not be correct or whatever but it is what i think.

also the price of alot of reptiles have gone down aswell as the "kool" factor so some of those people may have gotten out breeding and just keep a few pets meaning they dont really need to be on this site as often
i asked fay to delete my jungle thread for the reason that i was being called an animal abuser...by a certain person, i would of continued the thread but couldnt tell the whole story because of others involved & it wasnt fair to 'tar' them with the same 'brush' as i was being 'tarred' with... this is the first reptile that has ever died in my care... thanks for the PM's from the experienced herpers that helped... tony

it was a very sad situation with your jungle. why dont you start a thread to explain the incident, what happened and why you chose the actions you did etc? the reason I suggest it is so you have a chance to respond and describe what happened as it my help someone in a similar situation know what to do and what not to do.. you can post in this thread if you like.

longirostris -
thanks for the detailed post.. as Im at work will only comment breifly.. as far as censorship on this site goes.. Its a privately owned website and the rules are made by the site owner. moderators such as myself are just volunteers on here and we dont make any of the site rules. But being moderators we have been asked to try and uphold the site rules and try and keep the place friendly.. theres a huge turn over of threads and posts on here on a daily basis.. all we can do is our best. cheers
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I'm not saying that I'm one of the more experienced keepers and breeders but I have been doing it for a while and I am guilty of not starting any new threats in a while. I just put a new thread up in the General section that I find interesting and would love to see some of the other point of views on the matter of culling off weak reptiles from both the experienced and inexperienced keepers and breeders.
Troy K
Why is everyone suspended?
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There are many instances of "Double standards" here, I went in to the chat room last night when I first registered and was shocked to see what/how members were talking. There was even a moderator in there getting in with the conversation with the same vulgarity. I understand that the members in there probably knew each other well and that it was quite late (10.30pm) but you can't advertise the forum as "child/family friendly" when such things are going on in a section that is accessible by all members no matter what age they are.
It would probably be a good thing to lead by example, I can only imagine what would happen to a regular member if they posted the same kind of stuff in a thread that the moderator was saying....It doesn't really seem fair and and I am pretty sure the moderator broke site rules by doing so.
So if that isn't a double standards or "the rules only apply to most" I don't know what is

Fay is in charge of chat and probably best to answer your question.. I dont have anything to do with chat.. but chat is moderated under some different guidelines that the normal forums on here.. the owner of the site sets the rules and is happy with the way the site is moderated..

If your unhappy here and by the way its run then your most welcome to go troll somewhere else for the next 5 years.. thanks for the feedback
I'm not saying that I'm one of the more experienced keepers and breeders but I have been doing it for a while and I am guilty of not starting any new threats in a while. I just put a new thread up in the General section that I find interesting and would love to see some of the other point of views on the matter of culling off weak reptiles from both the experienced and inexperienced keepers and breeders.
Troy K

Thanks troy.. much appreciated.. and grab that brother of yours too please mate and toss him in here with some pics and interesting stuff to post up.. cheers
If your unhappy here and by the way its run then your most welcome to go troll somewhere else for the next 5 years.. thanks for the feedback

Sorry I just didn't expect to join a chatroom on a reptile forum and be subjected to talk around how a members sexual organs are going.
I have been viewing this site for over 5 years now (You can pretty much do the same as a guest as you can as a member ,except post).

One of the biggest problems I see with the forum is the fact that some members seem untouchable no matter what they do while other newer members would receive an infraction/suspension/banning. It is usually the same few members who turn threads in to a joke or can't seem to help themselves but say something "witty" to a serious question or thread.

There are many instances of "Double standards" here, I went in to the chat room last night when I first registered and was shocked to see what/how members were talking. There was even a moderator in there getting in with the conversation with the same vulgarity. I understand that the members in there probably knew each other well and that it was quite late (10.30pm) but you can't advertise the forum as "child/family friendly" when such things are going on in a section that is accessible by all members no matter what age they are.
It would probably be a good thing to lead by example, I can only imagine what would happen to a regular member if they posted the same kind of stuff in a thread that the moderator was saying....It doesn't really seem fair and and I am pretty sure the moderator broke site rules by doing so.
So if that isn't a double standards or "the rules only apply to most" I don't know what is.

All I see is newer members asking questions being spoken down to and treated like idiots because they asked a question which other keepers may know but the poster may not, How great it must feel knowing you came in to a hobby as a newbie knowing everything. I have a fair bit of knowledge when it comes to reptiles but I am not afraid to admit that I don't know everything...Seems like a lot of members on here are though.

Also if there were threads started which didn't replicate others the forum might have a total thread count of 1000.

2010-11-11 21:55:21 [Login] Kalashnikov
2010-11-11 21:55:21 [IP] Kalashnikov:
2010-11-11 21:55:21 [Join Room] Kalashnikov -> Chat Lobby
2010-11-11 21:55:31 [Message] Nephrurus -> Chat Lobby: is this the scales and tails expo?
2010-11-11 21:55:43 [Message] ihaveherps -> Chat Lobby: yeah
2010-11-11 21:55:45 [Message] RoryBreaker -> Chat Lobby: yes
2010-11-11 21:55:49 [Message (Priv.)] Nephrurus -> ihaveherps: yes, I understand. I know all that.
2010-11-11 21:56:12 [Message (Priv.)] Nephrurus -> ihaveherps: Hopefully things pick up for him
2010-11-11 21:56:18 [Message] Kalashnikov -> Chat Lobby: hey
2010-11-11 21:56:18 [Message (Priv.)] Nephrurus -> ihaveherps: you never know
2010-11-11 21:56:30 [Message (Priv.)] Nephrurus -> ihaveherps: the might hatch out some kind of mutation ;)
2010-11-11 21:56:39 [Message] ihaveherps -> Chat Lobby: there are a few people i want to catch up with.... but bosses father died last week, so i have to pick up the slack
2010-11-11 21:56:53 [Disconnect] Kalashnikov
2010-11-11 21:56:59 [Message] ihaveherps -> Chat Lobby: any other time I could have gone....
2010-11-11 21:57:17 [Message (Priv.)] ihaveherps -> Nephrurus: hope so...

This was said when you were in the chat room last night. Real vulgar? Please do not say things that are not true at that time.
Yes, we may get a little out of hand in the chatroom, it is NOT moderated like the forums.
I won't because there were a lot of private convos..oh I think I called Gex a d..head in fun...still real vulgar?
Nice one.

I really couldn't care less but i don't think people want to read a discussion that is based around someones genitals....I could be wrong though
I agree with all the above people often post non related reptile adds in the for sale section this is a great forrum site i hope it stays that way I have learned a great deal about caring for my snakes
I'm trying to post a little more...so it should get better :lol:

luke.. I would really love to see you post some informative threads about vens and other reptiles you have experience with. your a knowledgeable bloke mate and it would be fantastic to see you share some of your knowledge.. thanks
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