Where is the Conservation?

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Not so new Member
Oct 11, 2011
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I am writing this to elaborate on the DEC post "$3000 fine for conservation, or something ;-)" I just want to highlight the "conservation" efforts of our Wildlife Departments in recent months. Firstly, I made reference to a mining project that's on the cards for Northern NSW
Biologists warn species at risk from new field
Biologists warn species at risk from new field,

I would like to tell my side of the story (as I am also involved in the DEC mentioned investigation. I have held a wildlife license for over 20 years now, and over the years I have never denied wildlife officers access to animals on any occasion. However, that did not stop them (DSE Vic) arriving with a search warrant and police in tow. Now for the last 15 years I have been working with a world-renowned toxicologist (as many of you would know). I will admit my record book was a mess and I was looking after some of the said toxicologist's snakes at the time of the "raid". DSE officers proceeded to confiscate all the involved snakes, along with my computers, cameras, mobile phones, documents etc.<BR>I told the officers that I needed a mobile phone, as I still had many venomous snakes at my residence and no landline, I needed a mobile phone for safety reasons. They took the phones anyway and needless to say, I was put in extreme danger by these bufoons for absolutely no reason. DSE officers insisted the confiscated snakes be killed and that's exactely what happened to genera like Vermicella, Suta, Denisonia, Pseudonaja. Approx 80% of the confiscated snakes were killed. Among my many charges is an interesting one. I have been charged with picking up a DEAD Colletts snake off the road and tossing it to the side of the road. I was silly enough to video it. They have also charged me with milking snakes, even though I was doing it on behalf of a respected toxicologist for his research. My message is: people, please be careful with everything you write, post, photograph. Even with the best intentions, you can still find yourself in strife.
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I'd like to read your post - but it's very difficult - is there some error between the copy and paste or formatting? Could you perhaps edit?

I'll be back soon to read.
thanks Vegez. I tried to fix and format your post and hope its ok. If I've accidently deleted anything or mucked it up please message me what and I will fix your post. thanks again for posting.
Vegez I hope all is well , you have been through a most difficult time
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Hope all is well with you too mate. I know you too have been through a most terrible time.
Vegez i encourage you to contact your state ombudsman, particularly in regard to the danger that the DEC put you in by taking your phones. The more scrutiny they have from departments that actually can do something about there actions the better.
Vegez i encourage you to contact your state ombudsman, particularly in regard to the danger that the DEC put you in by taking your phones. The more scrutiny they have from departments that actually can do something about there actions the better.

Spot on Gordo. It is a shame that there seems to be a bit of a mission at the moment to villify hobbyists. Given that they are going after "soft targets", IE: legitimate keepers with poor record keeping skills, would point towards some sort of closed door agenda. I mean, let's be honest, what is the point of splashing jamgo's name all over the news and making repeated reference to "CONVICTION", "GUILTY", "FINES", "SERIOUS VIOLATION OF THE LAW", for.... being too busy looking after his beloved animals, and being lazy with filling out forms. If I was a bit older and had a trick knee, I bet it would be playing up right now with prospect of a coming storm. No, I'm not wearing a tinfoil hat right now.

Before everyone goes foaming off at the mouth, the best course of action is indeed to write to your local MP's, state ombudsmen, etc, and make sure your very legitimate grievances are heard in the appproved fashion, by the designated officials empowered to do something about it. "She'll be roight mate!" will not do in this situation. The safety issue alone created for Vegez, by the actions of governmental representatives, would be grounds for dismissal if pushed hard enough. These forums are watched by the very bodies moving against the hobby so be mindful of the fact that beligerent keyboard warrioring will actully serve to add fuel to the fire they seem to be intent on creating.

While I have no idea of the specifics of the work you were doing Vegez, I have confidence that, if it had something do with venom research, the net benefit to the good people of Australia, and even more so to places like New Guinea, would far out weigh the monstrous crime of not correctly putting pen to paper. If this is the case, as I suspect it is, this could just as easily be a human rights violation as a beaurocratic stuff up. Venom research in Australia saves untold lives in the developing world, to disrupt that kind of work is shameful at the very least.

I hope you get vindication for this unreasonable and extremely dangerous situation you've been put in Vegez, remember, the appeals process was put in place for just this kind of situation and I hope you'll pursue your legal rights with the same passion you obviously have for your reptiles and herpetology!
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Thank you for that, we are certainly pursuing all options.

Unfortunately, the project we were working on was, "geographic variation in P. textilis venom & the consequences for textilis snake-bite patient management".

I have a lot of data here, but I'm reluctant to publish for fear of further prosecution. Crazy world, just makes no sense. Sigh....
Possibly the best thing to happen to that gas company is the takeover by Santos, I'm not saying by any means that the project should go ahead, more likely then not the other environmental issues relating to water quality and ground water could be an even greater issue, however Santos seems to be one of the most environmentally conscious CSG companies. They also are very tolerant of individual property owners and respect their rights to say no. I hope Vegez that you are able to pursue this further and an appropriate course of action is achieved by you. My previous dealing with the Ombudsmen have turned out no beter then the initial local councils conduct, but I hope it goes well for you. Also can you give me a hand with formatting Colin? for some reason when I post it deletes all my line spacing and entering and the likes :?
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What low life scum. Fining you for moving a dead snake off the road?!?!? Are these people brain dead?!?? So what law did you break in doing this?

They are supposed to be a body to protect the animals we keep, yet they confiscate and kill them??
My thoughts exactly. The charge is worded "interferring with native wildlife without permission" (apparently it doesn't matter if it's dead or alive).

The charges for milking the snakes is "taking a sample from a protected species without permission".

The wildlife officers involved harrassed me over a period of 6 months, even showing up unannounced at my place of employment (breaching several OH&S regulations in the process, placing more lives in danger, including their own).

After 20 years of keeping reptiles, recording and publishing my experiences, this situation and the way it has been handled by the DSE has had me questioning, why bother keeping & contributing anymore.

I would highly recommend any who has an inspection, video tape the proceedings (unless of course they confiscate your video camera too), to ensure that any mistakes or errors they make are documented.

I've never heard of anyone being charged with milking a snake before, considering it is a non-evasive proceedure.
What a joke , i feel for you mate , trying to do a good thing and get it throw back in your face .

Next they will be charging snake bite victims for "taking a sample from a protected species without permission".
Nice one Nico77, that gave me a laugh.

Cheers for that mate ;-)
Wow! What dip *****s!

So if you were to check a roadkill marsupials pouch for young is this 'interfering with wildlife without permission'?!?
Or collection to send to a Museum for a specimen or ID purposes. The world's gone made, or should I say bureaucracy has gone made, it really is just a joke, and these organisations expect to be taken seriously, I really do pity the people making these decisions who actually believe it will positively inflence their public opinions, and to think I actually was applying for jobs with OEH in NSW at one stage........makes me rethink any government job
Wow! What dip *****s!

So if you were to check a roadkill marsupials pouch for young is this 'interfering with wildlife without permission'?!?

Yep. By law in all states and territories accidental kills have to be left to rot where they fall.
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