What makes you like/hate spiders?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2006
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Newcastle, NSW
Hi.. just something to chat about..

what makes you like/hate spiders..

I like them how they make webs, catch they pray, hunting tecniques and what effects their venom can cause especially wacthing documentarys about it.

I hate when they are near me, touching me.. or running into their web..

what about YOU?
I hate when they are on my face or the front of my neck apart from that they are good IMO.
I would also hate to get a redback in my ear but i think i will be able to avoid that hopefully.
redback in your ear? wth? lol is it true that daddy long legs are the most dangerous spider? or is that just bull****?

and my mates dad got bitten on the neck by a redback..
redback in your ear? wth? lol is it true that daddy long legs are the most dangerous spider? or is that just bull****?

and my mates dad got bitten on the neck by a redback..

That is BS but they apparently have the most toxic spider venom that they use it to kill spiders, its just that they cant bite through human skin.
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yeah. quite weird!

Instead of making a new topic ill ask here

Whats the most dangerous animal and whats the most dangerous insect!

P.S.: we can class spiders as insects today!
I like spiders they are very facinating but I hate it when you're hiking in the bush on a hot day and walk through a huge sticky web!
As you may have seen I don't like them enough to deprive my lizards of enjoying them as well ;)
As far as the most dangerous insect I believe the mosquito is up there, it is a vector for heaps of human diseases which can be devistating in 3rd world countries.
Not sure on the daddy long legs but they did do a segment on mythbusters about them and I think they concluded that it could not pierce human skin like cris said.
actually, going from memory one managed to pierce the skin with little effect. not sure if it was Jamie or Adam who got bitten though. (this might be wrong, that was a fairly old episode).

im fine with spiders as long as their not on me or on something im holding. but i HATE walking throug their webs.
We are all he same with spiders, im sure there was a little trapdoor out the fotn of my hose
it was a hole in the ground the lid was open and there was a pinecone tree leafe (Those long stick looking thinks) near it.. duno though.didnt stop to look or get close incase in pulled me in an ate me :rolleyes:
Most dangerous animals are possibly humans and the most dangerous insect is a mosquito as jordo said. Maybe the mosquito is the most dangerous animal too they sure do kill alot of ppl.
If a frog eats a mosquito with diseases will the frog get sick, and if a snake eats a rat thats diseased and stuff will it get sick etc?
Generally no Benan, because its ingested the stomach kills alot of things.

Even food poisoning bacteria our stomach kills, its only when its in huge quantaties, someone correct me if I'm wrong but thats what i remember from biology.
didnt myth busters do a thing on daddylong legs and prove they were not ven at all?

":Most people think these creatures are spiders, but they aren't. If you look closely, you will see that spiders have two body parts, while daddy-long-legs have only one. When they walk, daddy-long-legs use their second pair of legs to feel their way, just like some insects use their antennae. There are numerous species of daddy-long-legs. These animals cannot bite."

GOT that info off yahoo kids thing abotu animals
oh and i dont mind spiders my uncle is part Islander and looks very tuff but is terrified of spiders and hides like a girls i had to rescue in once while he was in the shower because there was a huntsman near the window and he was almost in tears> LOL funny as
I HATE the legs, I lived in a little town called Nhill for a while and i remember i pulled out from the supermarket and a little huntsman ran across my windscreen (on the inside :shock: )and i quickly pulled over (2 doors down from the supermarket :lol: ) and ran into the pub and had to get the lady there to get it out before i would get back in :oops: :lol:
Daddy Long legs aren't spiders, they're actually a group of related arachnids called Harvestmen. They have no venom but tend to rip their prey apart with their jaws.

Having said that, I know have some questions of my own that just popped into my head, so I think I'll give the Aust. Museum a call and see if they can shed some light.


Well, you learn something new everyday.

Harvestmen are not found in houses. And they don't spin webs. The long-legged spider-like thing we see in bathrooms that we call Daddy Long Legs is a spider. It's venom is relatively weak and pathetic and is not a threat.

This is a species introduced from Europe and is now cosmoplitan.

Harvestmen are an arachnid found throughout the world, and overseas they are commonly known as Daddy Long Legs. This is where the confusion lies.


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