
Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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  1. Laefiren

    How do you keep your snake safe outside while they are absorbing UV?

    I’ve heard it’s a good idea to take your reptile outside for at least 20 mins a week so they can absorb natural sunlight. However I’m wondering how people keep their reptile safe while they’re outside. Do you just hold them? I’m worried about losing her if I put her down on the ground. I’m...
  2. drakethesnake

    Basking platfor for carpet

    Hello everyone. I have noticed my 3month carpet/darwin python loves to climb up high and lay along the ledge of his background. He only just fits and will need something better to bask on. I would love to know what you all have used for your snakes to be up high, safe and warm? Photos would be...
  3. Sarah Jane

    Weird question: do snakes need their body temp to be at the temp of their basking spot?

    Only noticed tonight that my snakes heat lamp had blown, I have no idea how long he has been in the cold for. He’s fine thankfully, and I replaced the bulb immediately and he is currently basking. Much more active and moving around. But this bulb I’m pretty certain is a lower wattage than his...
  4. U

    Turtle basking requirements

    Hi all, I have a macleay river turtle and a saw shell turtle and they seem to have different basking preference. Ie. Saw shell is rarely spotted out of water basking and my macleay is frequently spotted on her dock. now I try to keep the basking temp at around 30 degrees Celsius, Both of their...