blue tongue

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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  1. Auguriim

    My bluey enclosures

    Just showing off my blue tongue enclosures. There for those looking for ideas or whatever for their own. Details: 2x super reptile MDF enclosures 120x50x40cm 1x reptile one S2M 1266 120x60x60cm Each enclosure houses one eastern blue tongue (I don’t like cohabbing long term and they’re all...
  2. J

    aggressive juvenile blue tongue

    about a month ago i bought 2 young eastern blueys, theyre now almost 2 months old. They are just lovely animals, love being handled and always out and about hanging out, after maybe 2 weeks of owning them i started noticing one of them sometimes almost biting the other one during feeding, then...
  3. Aidan Swanson

    Gravid Bluey?

    Im not sure if my bluey is gravid or not and i am also quiet inexperienced (about 2 yrs). She lives with her male friend and when I got them I was told that they have had babies before (21). Weight patterns: 6/11/19=714 grams 30/11/19=764 grams 7/12/19=803 grams Please help me and do ask...
  4. Aidan Swanson

    Blue Tongues Brumating in Summer???

    please help,my two blue tongues where eating and basking and walking around their enclosure pretty much all winter and on the week before and now when summer is just starting they are hiding and i'm not seeing them out and about and they are not eating. Please help I am fairly new to blueys, had...
  5. D

    adult blue tongues

    looking for yearling to adult blue tongues(eastern, northern or blotched) nothing over 100 each but there are exceptions. will be for breeding so the nicer the color or pattern the better i have been keeping blueys for 7 years and look forward to breeding in the coming season MUST BE IN VIC
  6. mrnofear


    Selling this awesome Reptile setup & lizard This setup comes with everything u need/see as described below: Plus 1 x Female blue tongue, proven breeder Perspex Tank some scratches (holds water). Timber Stand with 75mm recess for tank to sit in. New Dome Light with clamp New 60watt Barking...
  7. mrnofear

    Northern Blue Tongues

    Selling 2 Northern Blue Tongues breed by me. In great health, eating, shedding & shiting fine Just over 3mths old $150 each Located in Melton Victoria Text or call for more info & pickup address 0420761224 Thanks SOLD!!!!!!!!!
  8. B

    Injure blue tongue

    my lizard was chasing after a cricket 5 days ago and the cricket hid on the side of my blue tongue when he launched for it he caught his leg instead. After I looked at it and seen the skin was not broken and he moved it fine I thought it was okay. A bruise appeared yesterday and his whole leg is...
  9. mrnofear


    Hi up for sale is a heap of Brand New Reptile Heat Globes & Ceramic heat emitters. 266 X 25WATT NOCTURNAL $5 34 X 40WATT NOCTURNAL $5 50 X 60WATT NOCTURNAL $5 93 X 100WATT NOCTURNAL $5 62 X 150WATT NOCTURNAL $5 50 X 25WATT INFRARED $5 140 X 25WATT BASKING $5 18 X 150WATT BASKING $5 38 X 150WATT...
  10. C

    Help! My blue tounge is badly injuried...

    So I'm 38 weeks pregnant and in early labour so stuck on bed rest.. Also live 1 hour to the closet vet. Was hoping you guys could help me. Partner was cleaning his tank/cage when a log dropped on him. He has since been sorta curled up with his head over his back. He seems to be in so much pain...
  11. rainmonitors

    Blue Tongue Concerns

    I've had my blue tongue for almost 4 months now. In the last few weeks, he hasn't pooped at all (fed twice, feed roughly once/week), doesn't come out to bask at all, and doesn't come out of his hide at all. Normally, I wouldn't be concerned about him being in his hide all the time, bc he's...
  12. rainmonitors

    Heating & Viv Help

    So I've been researching vivarium heating a lot lately, as I'm still deciding between homing a blue tongue lizard (western, central or northern) or a ridge-tailed monitor. It seems blue tongues don't need any heating at night, but ridge-tails do, right? What I'm trying to ask is, what are...
  13. mrnofear


    Hi all I'm looking for some black Melanistic blue tongues Any age or size but must be trouble free healthy lizards. I currently hold an Advance Wildlife License n have done for many years. I'm a private collector of Retiles n looking to ad a few to my collection. I'm located in Melbourne Vic...
  14. A

    My First Reptile!

    Hi guys, I’m in my final year of school finishing in less than 6 months. My parents finally agreed to let me get a reptile after years of begging. They wouldn’t let me get a snake but they said a skink is ok, and I am allowed to get one after I finish school. So i’ve been looking at getting a...
  15. O

    Custom reptile enclosure/terrarium AND blue tongue skink

    Reluctant sale. Excellent reptile for any age. $400 ono Custom designed and made reptile enclosure/terrarium with 6 year old blue tongue skink (unsexed) Enclosure was designed in consultation with reptile experts for maximum air circulation and minimum heat loss and has a consistent heat...