crocodylus johnstoni

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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  1. Imported_tuatara

    Victorian WildLIfe Licenses, Suck.

    i know this is a pretty known thing, but honestly.........Examples:We can keep salties, yet not freshies. We can keep inland taipans, but not other python species......Oh, and we can keep a lace monitor on a Basic wildlife license, but not any rock monitors, on even advanced......Of course, i'd...
  2. C

    Pygmy freshwater croc

    Hi guys, So I know that currently the pygmy freshwater crocs are restricted to the high escarments within the Northern territory, are half the size of regular freshwater crocs and that research involves mesauring and collecting tissue samples. What other information is there on these spectacular...
  3. A

    Crocodile maintenance

    Hi all, just doing some research on keeping crocodiles as I will be getting my first one shortly. I have read the Husbandry Guidelines for The Freshwater Crocodile and says preform a complete or 80% change of pond water twice weekly. Do people do this? Or do you do something like this but not...
  4. RoryBreaker

    NT's Dwarf crocs fighting back against toxic prey
  5. A

    Freshwater crocodile

    Scientific Name Crocodylus johnstoni Common Name Freshwater crocodile Age approx. 3 years Size 50 cm Quantity Available 1 Bred By General Description QLD buyers must have a demonstrators permit. Crocodile hasbeen used for reptile displays for the last 2 years. he is typically...
  6. J

    Exhibiting Reptiles

    Hi guys hoping someone here will be able to help me out. I currently have an amazingly docile stimpson python which I have taken to work a couple of times to show off. He is amazing and always a hit with any customers we have around at the time. As we get school camps in, I have been asked if I...
  7. Fang101

    Tableland Herping

    Hi Everyone, here are some photos I've taken recently up around Mareeba/Tablelands, hope you enjoy the photos. Tommy roundhead Diporiphora australis by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr Diporiphora australis by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr Dead Robust blind snake Ramphotyphlops ligatus by Kieran...
  8. B

    Anybody got a nice Turtle tank they wanna show off?

    I can't wait to start putting together my own once I've finished my current project. Would love to see other's set ups. The more natural looking the better.
  9. M.Carinata

    Restricted Reptiles in QLD

    Afternoon Everyone, I was looking through the Keeping wildlife privately in Queensland — Conditions and restrictions. It seems like the Woma is no longer a restricted reptile anymore? If you scroll right down to the bottom it gives lists of what you can keep etc. Can someone confirm what I've...
  10. clopo

    The last month in The Isa

    First up a little freshie, there are plenty around the lakes at the moment Freshwater Crocodile by R. Francis, on Flickr I was very excited to see this Black-palmed monitor, unfortunately the bugger disappeared in to the rocks before getting any other photos Black-palmed Monitor by R...
  11. Wombok

    Cane Toads.

    Just thought I'd share a few pictures of this cane toad that comes into the laundry and eats our cat food every night. My mum insisted she held it. So I was like. "YES, AND I'LL TAKE PICTURES."- Over enthusiasm. Anyway, here they are. Oh, and by the way, we don't kill them, as my family have...
  12. Darlyn

    New crocodile species, what a croc!

    Taken from the NT News and modified for obvious reasons. THE crocodile war appears to have been won. Melbourne reptile handler “No name man” wanted to name the Territory's freshwater pygmy crocs as a new species. He dubbed them Oopholis jackyhoserae after his daughter and published the name in...
  13. GeckPhotographer

    Herping in the Kimberley

    Recently I spent 3 weeks volunteering in the Eastern Kimberley with a scientific project radio tracking monitors, both Varanus panoptes and Varanus mertensi. The research was being conducted at El Questro Station a popular tourist destination in the East Kimberley and involved many different...
  14. C

    buying a crocodile

    hello i have just gotten my advanced wildlife licence i wanna purchase a salt water crocodile my friend has a freshy he got it from crocodylus they want 500 for freshys and salties was wondering if there is any where else cheaper
  15. R

    crocodile`s and mice

    gday guys just wondering at what age/size i can feed my my year old+ freshwater crocodile mice or rats with furr cheer`s
  16. leighroyaus

    freshwater croc hatchy.

    chasing a juivinal or hatchling freshwater crocodile. must be able to freight with AAE. thanks
  17. leighroyaus

    Freshwater crocodile - hatchy / juvie

    after a freshwater crocodile freighted to regional vic. AAE serviced area. thanks.. Leigh contact 0410516535 / leigh @
  18. R

    Queensland Recreational Licence Reptiles?

    G'day everyone, I have a Queensland 'Standard' Recreational Licence, I have been looking on the net and have found nothing so far. So I thought I would ask on here. I am looking at a Brown Tree Snake and being Mildly venomous I am unsure if I am aloud to have one one the Queensland Recreational...
  19. C

    Freshwater crocodile enclosure help.

    hello, been looking at getting a freshwater croc for a while now and decided its time to get one just want to know for the 1st few years if a 6x2x2 fish tank will do (got one in the shed ya see) untill it just dosent look comfortable in there?? size im looking at is a 30cm hatching. thanks for...
  20. J

    Looking for a juvi freshwater crocodile

    Hey There Fellow Reptile Lovers I live in Victoria and was just wondering if anyone knows where I can find a juvi freshwater croc from All help will be appreciated Many thanks
  21. crail4

    Laws on importing and exporting

    Hi I was wondering how i could purchase an animal from a different state in Australia to Sydney and am curious about the laws? I am wanting to get these types of animals, Common tree snake, brown tree frog and (probably frowned upon and i don't know if this animal can be kept in Aus) a Cane...
  22. Niall

    West Kimberley.

    Hi everyone. Just a few photos of what I came across whiles I was up North. Freshwater Croc Crocodylus johnstoni Plenty of these guys around up North. Had a nice experience with a few whiles my mate and I were walking through the water waist deep around midnight whiles looking for snakes...
  23. Rhomany

    How to try and get the freshwater crocodile on on NSW native animal keepers list?

    I've always wanted to own a pet crocodilian! I wish it was possible to legally own crocs in NSW like it is for VIC. Does anyone know how to go about trying to make them legal? I'm sure hundreds of herp addicts have tried before.. I can only wish they'll be available here in the (near) future.
  24. BennyA

    new freshwater croc enclosure

    hey guys just set up my 6 foot enclosure for the new freshie i have coming in a few weeks, it has a hide, land, carpet, basking spot everything it needs i rekon, let me know what you all think. Also i have only just set it up and the external filter isnt on just yet to pick up all the dust...
  25. leviathan

    my mates freshwater crocodile pics

    went to a mates today coz he has a fresh water croc that he has not got out of the enclosure for 7 months, so i thought id come round and give it a crack, not having any experience with crocs it was a new and very exciting experience :) check out the photos, its a beauty.
  26. craig.a.c

    QLD licencing system.

    I'm moving to Townsville in a couple of weeks and was trying to find a link or something that outlines what pythons I can keep in QLD on a standard licence. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers - Craig.
  27. T

    freshwater croc tank

    he is a year and a half freshwater crocodile jus built a new tank its 9ftx2x2 thinking of selling him as i would like 2 juvenille merton monitors and would put them in this set up and dont have any more room but its still just a thought,,thanks for looking
  28. R

    Looking for a freshwater crocodile!!!

    hi, if anyone out there is selling a freshwater crocodile i'm your man. i'm looking for a hatchling or anything under 2ft. if you could please contact me that would be great. i look forward to hearing back from someone. cheers... Reegs.
  29. CarsonS01

    Freshwater crocodile

    I have always wanted to keep a freshwater croc but I don't know where to start looking for a permit or what is required for the permit in nsw. Any help on this topic would be much appreciated thanks
  30. StephenZozaya

    Herping Australia during the worst time of year - Part 2

    This is the second and final installment regarding this particular trip. The majority of the time I spent with Kris during his trans-Australia roadtrip was concentrated in the Top End of the Northern Territory. This is an amazing area of sandstone gorges, massive wetlands, extensive mangroves...
  31. S

    Komodo Dragons

    Just a short post while working in Indonesia, we are helping on a documentary with Dr. Bryan Fry due to come out next year through BBC and Animal Planet, I have attached a few photos here, but more will come on the Snakehandler facebook fan page, when I finally arrive home. It has been an...
  32. ShepQLD

    I give up! can someone answer some licencing questions for me?

    Ive just spent twenty minutes on hold to the QLD EPA, had to hang up as I only have a mobile phone ($$$!!)... Ive searched their website, searched on my actual lisence but I dont see anything that clearly tells me what I want to know! my question is this.. (and it may sound silly but I really...
  33. D3pro

    How many do you have?

    Wanted to see the average amount of snakes aps owners own. (hoping this is a poll... if not, ignore it)
  34. junglemac

    license conditions?

    OK I am getting conflicting answers from people arounf me. I have a QLD RWL and it states: one place that the license gives me the right to keep unlimited animals, reptiles and amphibians under this it says Conditions for : keeping live commercial reptiles and recreational amphibians Agency...
  35. slim6y

    Crocodiles dive less in warmer waters

    Published On: - Source: ABC Science Warmer temperatures may make it harder for crocodiles to dive for food, say researchers. A team led by Dr Hamish Campbell, from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, report their findings today in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B...
  36. elapid68

    Croc decapitated in possible trophy killing

    Published On: - Source: ABC News A freshwater crocodile has been found beheaded on the banks of the Katherine River, the Northern Territory Environment Department says. Go to Original Article
  37. Cj3cooper

    Freshwater Crocodile

    Hi all im after a hatchy freshwater croc or the details of any suppliers that people know of and are willing to share. coops
  38. D

    Juvenile Freshwater Crocodile

    Hello All, I am not after one just yet but hope to very soon. I want to know where the best place to get a juv Freshie from, whether it be in Vic or I import it from interstate. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  39. bfg23

    My croc tank

    Im definately not the best with a camera, but as requested, here are some photos of my freshie setup. Ill get my brother to take some snaps one time since he is a wizz with his camera's. The water is dark because the big log in there has been leaking tannins for like the last 2 months. I...
  40. whcasual79

    so where do the crocs go??

    I am curious to find out what crocodile owners do with their crocs when they are fully grown? Do u make an outdoor enclosures?? if so what measurements, etc...
  41. lizardsNturtles

    recreational licence

    with a rec licence with the epa the only restricted snakes are Restricted reptiles or amphibians The following reptiles are restricted reptiles: Common name Scientific name The following reptiles of the family Elapidae — black snakes Pseudechis spp broad-headed snakes Hoplocephalus spp brown...
  42. JasonL

    Class 1 Dwarf Adder feeding

    These guys are great, fed both my male and female 2 pinkies each today, male knocked one out of the tongs...fantastic little guys, been mating strong, fingers crossed
  43. K

    Question about Qld reptile license

    Hi, im fairly new here, was just wondering how many snakes a standard reptiles license in Queensland allows you to keep, the wording is sort of vague "allows keeping of maximum of two restricted reptiles or amphibians other than dangerous reptiles" so, does this allow the keeping of two...
  44. seanjbkorbett

    crocs in sth east qld?..maybe?

    hey guys!:)..just curiouse..with this news of crocs being found in south east qld..they say the one was more than likely a released captive.wich is probably true.. but i have heard of croc sightings just north of brisbane,( i have had people tell me..i have never witnessed one myself)..tho i did...
  45. andyh

    Freshwater Crocodile

    Scientific Name Crocodylus Johnstoni Common Name Freshwater Crocodile Age 5 or 6yrs Sex ?? Length 3 foot + Quantity Available 1 Bred By Crocodylus park General Description Happy healthy active little guy with plenty of personality. Eats like a pig if you let...
  46. andyh

    Freshwater crocodile

    Scientific Name Crocodylus Johnstoni Common Name Freshwater Crocodile Age 5 - 6 yrs Sex Unknown Length About 3 foot Quantity Available 1 Bred By Crocodylus Park General Description Happy, healthy, active and interesting little guy. Eats like a pig if you...
  47. mcloughlin2

    Licence question re freshwater crocodiles

    I was after some information regarding the licence requirements of freshwater crocodiles in Victoria, South Australia and the Northern territory? Are they on a basic licence equivelant to NSW class 1? Or on some form of higher licence?
  48. M

    my croc pics

    here is my freshwater crocodile pics:lol:
  49. M

    soom of my team

    heres a few pics for you all:)
  50. dottyback

    Crocodile photo's and housing

    I would love to see peoples Fw and SW crocs and how they house them. Mine is in a 6'x4'x2' deep pond heated and filtered.