I recently posted four "photo guides" to Australian lizards. To find and photograph these lizards, I travelled whenever possible to many different parts of the continent. So far, I have visited all States with the exception of the Northern Territory. Here are photos of the places that I...
In February, 2007, a friend and I visited the Goldfields area of Western Australia. In this post, I will include photos of animals that we encountered in the Wiluna/Leonora/Laverton area. The habitat here looked great and it seemed to hold lots of potential for snakes. In the end, we saw few...
A Mate of mine has these guys he wants to get rid of. Now he has gone away and i can't contact him so i wanted to get a positive ID on these guys.
Its the skinny one with the more stripey pattern I'm after an ID on. A central netted? Just a different pattern?
The question i have about the...