my name is Uwe living in Germany 49 years old.
keeping a few Geckos and Snakes
1.0 Anolis roquet summus
1.1 Bitis arietans Lake Nakuru Kenia
1.0 Boas constrictor Mix
0.1 Chamaeleo calyptratus
2.0 Diplodactylus stenodactylus
Just wandering if Anyone (the small amount of keepers) could shed some light on Diplodactylus Stenodactylus (Sand Plain/ Pale Snouted Gecko).
Any info regarding
-Feeding/ Dietary needs
-Other Interesting Facts
would be greatly appreciated. Also if Pics of the...
I've recently been on a trip away doing wildlife surveys. Here's a heap of photos.
You gun herpos can tell me all the species names since everyone on here seems to be an expert.
You can also tell me where i went! Best guess based on the species i found.
Enjoy the pics..... My camera...
this is a game me and my mates use to play on long trips dont ask how it became the name carrot game it just is
this is how it workes i say a reptile eg water dragon water dragon ends in n so the next person says a reptile starting with n eg northen ridge tailed monitor then a word starting...