hypsilurus boydii

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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  1. X

    What lizards would you put in paludarium style enclosure??

    I was looking for input on what others would put in a paludarium style enclosure similar to images attached. I was looking at getting a lizard, not snake (as a member of the household is terrified) I love geckos but don't know of any that live in this sort of environment and have also looked...
  2. A

    Get what you want!

    Constantly there is threads popping up with people asking whats the best reptile to get first.. In my opinion you should get what you want.. Do your research and be prepared with what the future may hold. If you want a GTP get one or if you want a Perentie get one lol maybe the Perentie comment...
  3. reptalica

    Boyd's Forest Dragon (Hypsilurus Boydii)

    Boyd's Forest Dragon hatchlings for sale. All robust, high quality specimens varying in age between 4-8 weeks. Should develop some beautiful colourings as they mature into adults. These are unsexed specimens feeding well on small crickets, maggots and chopped worms. Please note - these...
  4. G

    Boyds Forest Dragon Hatchlings

    Boyds Forest Dragon unsexed hatchies for sale. Eating fine on woodies and small mealworms. Pickup Wagga or can road/air freight at your cost to your house/airport. Price is $250 each. Pics are of hatchie for sale and parents. Must have class 2 reptile licence. PM or ring/text on 0402295024
  5. K

    Dragon photos

    Hi, I didn't see anywhere recent where people could share pictures of their dragons. I'd love to see everyone's dragons! Here are some of mine. Gippsland water dragon Baby gippsland Central netted Central beardies Eastern water dragons
  6. reptalica

    Boyd's Forest Dragon breeding advice.......

    Good evening all...... I am just in search of some advice from those that have successfully bred Boyd's Forest Dragons. At present is ideally set up to induce breeding. I have a total of four Boyd's in the one large tropical rainforest enclosure (will post pics)....two adult male/female plus...
  7. G

    Boyds Forest Dragon unsexed hatchie

    Scientific Name Hypsilurus boydii Common Name Boyds Forest Dragon Age 6 weeks Size normal Quantity Available 1 (more cooking) Bred By Myself General Description Boyds Forest Dragon unsexed hatchie for sale. Coming up to 6 weeks old. Eating fine on woodies and small...
  8. N

    What dragons can I keep on a basic license for victoria

    Ok so basically I want a dragon that I can get for a basic wildlife license for Victoria my enclosure size is this in cm 75x35x45 i want it to be a small species of dragon i want it to be energetic i want it to be colourful and yeah sorry if I sound demanding but if there are none with really...
  9. G

    Boyds Forest Dragon Trio + Enclosure

    Common Name: Boyds Forest Dragon Scientific Name: Hypsilurus Boydii Age: Approx 12 Months Quantity Available Trio of Boyds 1M 2F Bred By John Perry General Description: Dragons are starting to colour up well. All eating well on woodies, crickets, meal worms & little bits of banana. Drink...
  10. T

    Boyds Forest Dragons

    Hi All, Looking for some adult or subadult boyds forest dragons. pm or 0432532627
  11. Sarah

    boyds forest dragon query

    i am misting my exo terra enclosure twice a day, i find to stimulate them to drink you need to spray them quite a bit ,i had a waterfall in their enclosure but took it out as they were constantly dirtying it every day . But i am finding it is getting too wet. I can imagine the solid wooden top...
  12. E

    Best dragon for handling and good temperament?

    hey, buying new lizard and id like something that has a good temperament and doesnt mind being handled and can stay out of the cage without any problems. Something like an iguana would be ideal but obviously not a viable option. -likes being handled -largish -nice appearance (colour/crests etc)...
  13. Sarah

    My new additions boyds forest dragons

    i have been reading the various boyds threads on here for the last few weeks i got my pair last weekend and my enclosure set up was kind of rushed ,it is not quite how i would like it to be ,however eventually i would like to do live plants and more substrate with a false bottom .It is freezing...
  14. N

    Frilly wont eat

    hi i bought two friled necks about three weeks ago and they were stressed bacause they were in a cage they couldnt climb in, any way i put them in a bigger cage and gave them more food as they were only been given mealworms, i took them to the vet the next week they were doing fine putting the...
  15. Stickman

    Bearded or netted?

    hey guys, A friend of mine has been planing to get a small to medium sized lizard for a while. He has finally decided to get some sort of dragon which he has narrowed down to be either a netted or bearded dragon. so which is better for a first time keeper?
  16. princessparrot

    enclosure and hide size

    ok, so i want to get some more reptiles(mainy snakes) and im just wondering about how big things need to be. and also with pine being poison to them, is it just if tehy say eat it, or if they have anything to do with it(could the enclosure be made of it with a few coats of varnish stuff or...
  17. jaclyndaniel

    SA License for Dragon Species

    Hi, Im hoping for some info from herp keepers who know a bit more about what species fit where in regard to licence. I'm doing some research as to what license is required to keep a boyds forest dragon, southern angle headed dragon and lace monitor in South Australia? I am assuming they are...
  18. Snake Catcher Victoria

    Found-dragon-mount martha-victoria

    I was called to catch a "Poisonous Lizard" from a home near Bentons Road in Mt Martha today. If you know anything please contact me here by PM or ring 0408067062. You must supply the make and model and last address of your lost dragon before I can help you.
  19. B

    Boyds forest dragon, help.

    hey sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. im planning on getting a boyds forest dragon but i am having trouble finding a breeder in NSW. can anyone help me?
  20. F

    reptile art

    I found this sketch of a boyds forest dragon i did a few years ago, i like looking at other people's art especially reptiles so if theres anyone else out there willing to post any pic's that would be cool
  21. scrapcollecta

    INCUBATORS for sale at Deals Direct

    Hi all, Just letting you know that Deals Direct has 3 models of incubators for sale to suit any budget. I bought the black one that looks like a bar fridge and testing it out now. So far so good and it super easy to use. This one can heat as well as cool in case you have an extremely hot day ...
  22. G

    Boyds Dragon

    Hey guys. so i want to get a boyds, and i have a bit of info already, but want to know more. can u put live plants in the enclosure? what is the best substrate? what is a good size tank for a juvi? all info like this will be greatly appreciated. thanx
  23. KaotikJezta

    New Boyds and parthogenic Bynoes

    Got my new Boyds forest dragon today and a bonus, a little parthenogenic Bynoes gecko as a gift;
  24. RSPcrazy

    Sexual organs hanging out! - Boyds hatchling

    I had a Boyds forest dragon hatch yesterday, only problem is his sexual organs are hanging out and haven't sucked in. I've been keeping him very moist, hoping they will suck in. Is there anything else I can do to try and get them back in? I'll post photos as soon as I can.
  25. R

    Wtb female boyds forest dragon

    Looking for a female Boyds Forest Dragon preferably in NSW. email [email protected] thanks.:lol:
  26. sarah_m

    Cairns, October 2010 (very late)

    So I have been really slack and not put any pics up from our last 3 trips (the most recent one was 2 weeks ago). This is the first of those trips to Cairns/Daintree in October 2010 (only a year late!!!). Hopefully the rest will follow over the next week or so...... Hope you enjoy, but please...
  27. Erebos

    What am I?

    Have a guess at the species. Cheers Brenton
  28. S

    Field Study - Boyd’s Forest Dragon

    Hi guys, I’m doing my PhD on Boyd’s Forest Dragon (Hypsilurus boydii) and I’m about to start my field work. I would like to know where people have found or caught Boyd’s Dragons in the Wet Tropics and how many individuals you saw at each of these places (at any one time). I would like to have...
  29. G

    Bucket List............What is on your wish list??

    On my Bucket list is an Olive............ held one a Manly Aquarium once and it was huge....addicted from then on to Olives.....now just need to get the kids to move out so I can convert a room or two.
  30. V

    Spotting Boyds Forest Dragon?

    Hey guys My partner and I recently when to Mossman gorge north of Cairns in the hope of finding some Boyds forest dragons, it became painfully clear we had planned the trip too early after winter (our excuse) as during the two days we only spotted one dragon and it was still a fair way up the...
  31. H

    can a boyds water dragon and gippsland water dragon live together

    i have 2 gippys at the moment and now very interested in a boyds forest dragon would they be able to live together?
  32. H

    boyds forest dragon and gippsland water dragon keeping together???

    how would a boyds forest dragon and 2 gippsland water dragons go living together they have very similar habitats and eat the same foods.
  33. R

    WTB Boyds Forest Dragons

    Looking for young Boyds Forest Dragons. Contact via PM
  34. I

    what can I keep with my water dragon?

    Hi everyone. I currently have a large male eastern water dragon. I am located in rain forest in queensland and am building a massive 3m x 3m outdoor enclosure and am wondering what other animals I could keep in with my dragon wether it birds reptiles snakes etc. Also I am putting outside with as...
  35. zacthefrog

    Just forgot my jacky was on my sholder :( :) :l :S

    ^^^^^^^^ and i jumped when i noticed it.
  36. D


    People are eaten by dragons every day. Dragons are nearly unstoppable and, in case you didn't know, they can also breathe fire. 93% of the world's population have been eaten by dragons. 6% of the living people in the world are sitting in the shower armed with fire extinguishers & the remaining...
  37. S

    Jungles, darwins, coastals, bredlis

    Scientific Name morelia spilota ...... Common Name carpet pythons Age 4ths-2yo Sex both Size 35cm-1.2mts Quantity Available multiple Willing to Trade For i have multiple carpet pythons ranging from hatchies to 2yo. wanting to swap for female boyds forest dragon, eastern...
  38. C

    psp and a xbox 1 and a ps2 with heaps of stuff (will swap for listed stuff)

    · 1x play station portable almost brand new comes with a leather case and a case to protect your games and 5 games · 1x Xbox a few years old but in great condition comes with a few games · 1x play station 2 in great condition comes with 20 games I will also swap them for any of these: ·...
  39. A

    How to bread snakes

    Ok so I would like to breed some pythons in the future but I’m not sure on what use all mean about dropping temps what do I do when I drop the temps I heard that you drop the temps at knight but how much do I drop them. Also do I keep feeding them in the breeding season or what? Could youse...
  40. tyson001

    coolest lizards in australia

    what do you think are the coolest lizards able to be kept in Australia in these the categories. 1.gecko 2.skink 3.dragon 4.monitor mine are 1. Centralian knob-tailed gecko 2. blotched blue toungue 3.frillneck 4.Mertens water monitor
  41. Mr.James

    Boyds Forest Dragon - Hatchlings

    Scientific Name Hypsilurus Boydii Common Name Boyds Forest Dragon Age Hatchlings Sex Various Size Small Quantity Available A few Price $200 each, or $300 a pair. Bred By Me General Description Amazing rainforest dragon hatchlings, easy to keep and make attractive displays...
  42. Mr.James


    Took a few pics today..
  43. Mr.James

    Boyds Forest Dragon (female)

    Scientific Name Hypsilurus boydii Common Name Boyds Forest Dragon Age 14months Sex Female Size Sub adult Quantity Available 1 Price $400 General Description Stunning female, ready to breed soon. Location NSW Willing to Freight? Prefer pick up, but will consider freighting...
  44. reptiledude1

    boyds forest dragon

    Scientific Name Common Name boyds forest dragon Age2 Sex male Size 30 cm Quantity Available 1 Price swaps Bred By unknown General Description male boyds forest dragon nice light colour wanting swaps for other reptiles.pm me Location western sydney...
  45. C

    keeping boyds forest dragons

    hay everyone im going to tell you the basics of keeping boyds forest dragon and yes i do own them and have for 4 years here is a list of things you will need: * A tall enclouser cause these are climbing lizards and like to climb high * and you will need to feed them moving food like crickets...
  46. moloch05

    Mission Beach, QLD

    Greetings, My family and I are back from a holiday to the wet tropics of Mission Beach, QLD. Mission Beach has long been our favourite family holiday location and it was great to have all of grown kids with us again ... almost like days long ago! This trip was part of a surprise 60th for...

    Some Collections Pics

    Here are some pic ive taken of my herps over past few months.
  48. Southside Morelia

    Boyds Forest Dragon Information Thread

    Hi Guys, I thought it would be a great idea that we have a sticky thread where anyone wanting information on the elusive Hypsilurus boydii can view and ask questions and anyone who can contribute constructive information through their own experience, can post and share their experiences that we...
  49. reptiledude1

    WTB boyds forest dragons

    hi i am after boyds forest dragons from hatchlings to adults i am located in mt druitt juts pm me.cheers
  50. reptiledude1

    male sand monitor

    Scientific Name Common Name sand monitor Age 4 years Sex male Size 70 cm Quantity Available Price 300 Bred By unknown General Description male sand monitor eats well handles ok asking 300 or swap for other reptiles Location western sydney Willing to...