monitor lizards

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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  1. L

    Can I keep this species in NSW?

    Hello everyone Hope everyone’s NYE was wonderful! Just wondering can I keep a Varanus prasinus (Emerald tree monitor) in New South Wales? Cheers Lottie
  2. L

    Emerald Tree Monitors and Blue tailed monitor

    G’day I wanted to ask about keeping Emerald tree monitor (Varanus prasinus) Blue tailed monitor (Varanus doreanus) I’ve seen these monitors in NSW for sale and so my question is: 1. Can I keep one in New South Wales after keeping another species of monitor after 2yrs? 2. Do I need another...
  3. L

    Monitor Lizards in Pit enclosures

    G’day everyone I hope your week has been great 😊 Just wondering if I can see your pit enclosures for monitor lizards? Cheers L
  4. L

    Lace monitors

    G’day everyone Hope your week has been great 😊 Just wondering what UV lighting wattage is recommended for juvenile lacies to adult in an indoor enclosure? Cheers