It has been a week since i got my new ridge tailed monitor and today he finally started coming out of his hide and exploring his tank. now that he is finally starting to get comfortable when should i start the trust building exercises? And if there is any tips out there for gaining the trust of...
WTB Ridge Tailed/Ackie Monitor. Preferably local to Gold Coast/Brisbane but willing to pay for freight. Please contact me on 0415401311 if you have anything available.
I am looking at getting a Ackie in the next few months and have some questions regarding what colorations are available and what that are referred to as. I am waiting for this seasons hatchlings to become available and id love a high colour animal but am a little confused with the different...
So I've been researching vivarium heating a lot lately, as I'm still deciding between homing a blue tongue lizard (western, central or northern) or a ridge-tailed monitor. It seems blue tongues don't need any heating at night, but ridge-tails do, right?
What I'm trying to ask is, what are...
Hi everyone I was wondering if you could recommend me a heat globe for my purposes. I have two young ackies in a 120 x 60 x 60 melamine enclosure. (Substrate is 50% coconut coir 50% washed sand, humidity sitting at about 60%). I am currently swapping between an 80w heat globe and a 120w heat...