scale injury

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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  1. X

    Scratches on Scales?

    Hi there, I have a Murray Darling Python and I’ve noticed some indentations and marks on his scales. He is eating well, sheds perfectly and seems generally happy but I am concerned about his scales. They look like scratches/indentations and there seems to be patches of odd scales. I haven’t...
  2. R

    Jungle jag scale issue?

    Hey guys, So I’m fairly new at snake keeping and my partner has had snakes his whole life. We recently got Kaa our jungle jag python of 2-3 years old from a friend who could no longer keep her. She is roughly 1.5m at the moment. We have her in an enclose that’s 2.5m H x 1.5m W x 1.5 L we use...
  3. T

    Bobtail Scale Problem. Help!

    I noticed a bobtail of mine had a problem with its scales. One scale was cracked and it looked like the majority of the inside of the scale had rotted. When I rubbed it, the enamel on the scale flaked off. The scales around this scale also look damaged, especially around cracks between scales...
  4. M

    Scale burn jungle python

    I think my jungle carpet python may have scale rot and/or vicious scale burn? He is very rough to touch on his underside, especially on the end of his tail - His scales look totally mutilated, "healthier" parts are bright red/pink. I think he may have gotten ontop of his heating lamp that has a...
  5. MissBee90

    Is this scale rot?

    Hi fellow reptile owners. I've just noticed tonight that my stimmy has some red 'cut' looking scales and a pinkish tone to her belly that I've never seen before. I've done a bit of googling and am tossing up whether its scale rot or septicemia? Any ideas as to what it is and what to do/how to...
  6. Alifleming

    Snake amputation sydney

    hi there I got my first hatchling in August and the poor little noodle has caused me nothing but grief. No eating or shitting (he had no trouble for 7 months untill he was flown from qld to Syd) somehow he has hurt the end of his tail. It has begun to die and is now spreading up up tail in a...
  7. floweringqueen

    Dry Nose Issue On Jungle Python

    Help with what is going on with my girl's nose! She did have a small nose injury, like an abrasion, 2 sheds ago and since then, the scales on top of the nose tip change texture as she progresses in her cycle, getting worst just before shedding, then it clears with the shed. I am concerned now...