
Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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  1. A

    Rehoming 2 saw shell turtles

    Hi, Due to my new living situation I need to rehome my 2 (4 year old) saw shell male turtles. Can someone please help? Turtle set up can also be included
  2. L

    Reptile courses?

    Hello Just wondering if there’s any reptile handling courses going on New South Wales by chance? Cheers L
  3. Otterscloud

    Does anyone know if my baby turtle’s neck should look like this? I've only had it for a few weeks and can’t find much info on it

    I got my turtle a few weeks ago, still a baby. I got some baby turtle pellets to feed it. My turtle still gets scared easily so I hadn’t had the chance to see it’s neck that well but today I noticed the neck looked weird in a picture I took, perpaphs it’s the angle but I’d still like other...
  4. A

    Looking to get my first turtle pet, what's the best ones / important info?

    I tried doing some research on google but just got super confused, so I figured it'd be worth it to ask here as well! I'm looking to get my first pet turtle, I originally wanted one that didn't really need a tank/lots of water but I've realized that's probably not an option (I think I'm...
  5. A

    Are CFL UVA/UVB lamps still dangerous for turtles?

    I remember many years ago being told to avoid CFL for turtles because it could damage their eyes, is that still valid info or have they gotten better? Currently I use mercury vapor bulb on the basking spot and a 4 foot reptisun T8 10.0 fluro for the rest of the tank (6 foot tank). I've...
  6. Silas Marsh

    Beginner Turtle Questions

    So, I'm looking at keeping a turtle(s) and have been trying to do as much research as possible, which has lead me here with a few questions I'm hoping some experienced people may be able to help with; I've read that they are solitary and shouldn't be kept with other ELN turtles, but I've also...
  7. Leo the long-neck

    Advice on turtle and backyard enclosure

    New to the forum - I live in northwest Sydney and am thinking about getting a turtle in a large suburban backyard and seeking advice on the best type of turtle suited and about the plans for building the enclosure. This is the area where the enclosure will be. Bamboo on the left, and a garage...
  8. U

    Pignose Turtle

    hey all Been out of the hobby for a while. I’m just confirming that a Pignose turtle can be kept in Queensland under a recreational license? I have seen this somewhere, but was wondering if anyone is aware of any changes?
  9. A

    Cuora Mccordi,Aurocapitata,Trifasciata and Radiata Turtles For Sale

    Cuora Mccordi,Aurocapitata,Trifasciata and Radiata Turtles For Sale Hi, I have the following Cuora Turtles below for sale. 2.2 Cuora mccordi 1.2 Cuora aurocapitata 1.2 Cuora trifasciata 1.2 Cuora flavomarginata 1.1 Astrochelys Radiata If interested in any of the above, email...
  10. H

    Snails in turtle tank- safe?

    I'm a first-time reptile owner here, and I've recently brought home a wee young Murray River Turtle. Because I want his tank to be as close to natural river conditions as possible, I've added some plant life- nardoo and some elodea. He loves the elodea in particular, and rests on it when...
  11. billygt

    Wobbly Basking area for turtles *suggestions*

    Hey guys, Just need some help with basking areas. the other day i went out and obtained a new floating turtle dock, as my emydura macquari had recently outgrown his/her old magnetic ramp one. when i put the dock in the water it is very wobbly and i think my turtle has trouble getting up it. As...