Hello, it’s been a long time since I post here. I’m worried that one of my blue tongues is unwell. I’m hoping it’s just another false alarm and I’m too paranoid yet again. I hear clicking when he breathes and he was coughing too. There’s no mucus in his mouth or nose and his eyes are clear. He...
Hey guys. I know there’s a mega post for this but I never got an answer and I’ve emailed a whole heap of vets who do exotic animals only for them to say they don’t do amphibians. Does anyone know of any vets that do do amphibians. Preferably south or east. I would like to keep them in a small...
Hi, I have a 16 year old stimsons python who was showing signs of severe sickness however has recently shown a lot of healthy signs and seems to be nearly back to his full health. But some relevant back story, he stopped eating for many months but skin seemed healthy so didn't worry to much, but...
Hi all,
I wanted to see other people’s opinions on vets and pythons.
so I have a Stimson who will be about 10 years old this year.
I was told when I brought her that a vet visit isn’t needed unless something is wrong. So for the past 8/9 years that I have owned her, I have never taken her to...
hi there
I got my first hatchling in August and the poor little noodle has caused me nothing but grief. No eating or shitting (he had no trouble for 7 months untill he was flown from qld to Syd)
somehow he has hurt the end of his tail. It has begun to die and is now spreading up up tail in a...