woma with cloudy/ blue eyes

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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  1. bigdumb

    Milky eyes but not shedding/already shed.

    Hi, my female Uluru Woma python has milky eyes but only just finished her shed about two days ago. (Note: her eye caps were removed in the initial shed, and her eyes were fine afterwards.) She has been on antibiotics due to her shed not following through properly due to myself not having the...
  2. P

    Woma Python Help (eyes)

    hey everyone! So I've had my Woma for around 2 weeks now and before I received her she had just finished her shed (that day) She shed's well and feeds like a champ! But I've noticed today when I came home it was a little cooler in her enclosure and when I got her out I noticed her eyes were...