ackie diet?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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just wondering what else other than crix and woodies i can feed my young ackies? im not too keen on feeding them pinkies at any stage thou ;)
i have had a bad experience with a dodgey seller feeding my reptiles pinkies before i got there to collect them. they were dead 5 hours later :(
Well, I don't own ackies, but I do own a particular edition of Reptiles Australia!

It says here that you can feed small moniters a staple diet of crickets and cockroaches, and you can give them occaisonal foods/treats of mealworms, moths, spiders, fish, meat, eggs and fruit.

Hope that helps.
raw meat??
get pinkies off pet stores incase your scepticle about private sellers..(then you can sue the company for money and free stuff hehe if anything goes wrong)
yes you can feed them raw meat.
notechistiger has the right idea (or at least her RA does)
Does anyone actually feed there ackies anything else other than the norm crickets and roaches? ive givin mine some meal worms before and they seemed to like it. i heared you can offer cat food as long as there is no fish in it or something like that...

the raw meat sounds interesting and easy, i have 2 young ridge tails and wouldnt mind knowing more about this.
crickets, cockroaches, silkworms, turkey mince, pinkies..
i heared you can offer cat food as long as there is no fish in it or something like that...

They can eat fish. I think it was blue tongues that you're not supposed to feed fish to. And yes, they can also eat mealworms, but apparently they don't have the nutrients that crickets and cockroaches do, and that's why they can't be a staple. That's what I heard, anyway.
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