Advise/Help on Feeder Insect breeding

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HI all im looking to vary my animals diet. I currently feed em mainly roaches. Sometimes they get the odd slater/Fly or moth.Spiders and grass hoppers in summer. Looking for something thats easy to breed or trap. Got 3 HUGE colonies of woodies. So don't suggest them. Tried crix but no sucess and meal worms but waiting for eggs to hatch If any. Is there anything else i could try?
would prefer something quick/easy. was think silk worms but cant seem to find any.
Flies or black soldier flies are good for small stuff. Earthworms are good too.

Its a good idea for a thread there would have to be far more insects out there that are suitable for breeding as food.
You could catch some moths and try to breed them. Used to have a few in an old cage and they bred really well (never sprayed because of herps and birds, so they flourished).
virtually none, just a little bit of sand left. have no idea what they were eating but there were eggs all the time. I'm sure if you found an edible species and had a spare, well ventialted cage add a little heat and researched their food requirements, then you could breed them and yr gex would love them esp.
Why did you have no success with breeding crickets. I would have thought that if you were able to breed all those different species you have listed in your sig then you should be able to handle crickets easily enough.
Why did you have no success with breeding crickets. I would have thought that if you were able to breed all those different species you have listed in your sig then you should be able to handle crickets easily enough.

Lol.. they are different classes of animal for one... Reptiles and Insects. Crickets have a low success rate for breeding, and nearly every one who has tried can tell you that. Thats like saying you can breed geckos but why cant you impregnate your wife. Different animals.
I have silkworms, if you have access to a mulberry tree, they grow very quickly, and are a great feed for your lizards. But they are seasonal, only drawback. My animals LOVE them.
I also catch moths at night.
you could try stick insecrs dont even need males but they take a while and i dont know how good they would be??
Lol.. they are different classes of animal for one... Reptiles and Insects. Crickets have a low success rate for breeding, and nearly every one who has tried can tell you that. Thats like saying you can breed geckos but why cant you impregnate your wife. Different animals.

Well that's obviously where you are going wrong. You don't impregnate the crickets yourself. Seriously though, all it takes is do the research, provide the correct conditions and baby crickets will be the result. Its actually not that hard if you do it properly.
I have tried various times once i got babies but they ended up all dying.
Yeah I have to agree with that. Breeding crickets is really easy once you get the routine and setup right. I dont really understand where people are going wrong as I seem to breed around 3000-5000 pinheads per week with minimal effort and only a few small (15 litre) tubs.
I have tried various times once i got babies but they ended up all dying.

Keep them warm (29 deg C). Feed them fish flake and offer a piece of carrot for moisture. If you forget to feed them or overheat them then they'll die very quickly, but other that that its easy.
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