Not so new Member
Im looking for someone who lives locally to munno para west to help handle my very snappy female caramel coastal, she is 7 months old, she is very snappy in and out of her cage, she bites a lot, she has bitten my partner over 10 times, my house mate about 20, me once, and my other house mate in the face once. She has not had a lot of handling until i got her. She was only ever touched when she was taken out to change the newspaper in her click clack and the only other time the lid was open was to feed her, so she associates everything moving with food and threat, i do not have the confidence to handle her like she needs to be to get used to it, so im looking for someone who lives nearby who can come spend some time with us, also make friends. We have 3 other snakes here that do not bite at all, so im used to them, and she is very very timid and snappy, she is okay to handle, but just randomly strikes and bites out of nowhere and at moving things mainly. If you can help please comment below or send a private message.