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As Friller said most of those plants will get destroyed (1 way or another) and even if they didn't, they take up too much room.

But I will give you some reasons why that tank wont work.

First up that is not a LARGE tank, it is too small for an adult beardy ! It needs to be at least 120x60x60.

You mention multiple layers of substrate being 5 inches deep but your tank is only 45 cm which is 18 inches which doesn't leave enough space for a heat lamp ,or a UVB which needs about 30cm (12 inches) also beardies love to dig so the different layers would end being 1 mixture plus they would dig out the plants they haven't eaten.

You said mesh top, that makes me think it's a glass enclosure, glass doesn't hold heat well and the mesh lets it out the top anyway.

Next is the halogen lamp, they concentrate heat in 1 small area, you are better off with a spot lamp available from your hardware store for a few bucks ( make sure you use ceramic fittings as plastic can't take the heat )

I don't want to put you off your plan for a beardy, they are great critters to keep, I have several. But you need to be realistic about how much stuff you can put in a little glass tank.

Might I suggest you reduce your plan to a couple of inches of sand and get a pygmy beardy, put a couple of plants in pots and rotate them in and out of the enclosure .

 If arid plants and dragons are your dream , is it possible to do an outside thing ? If you have a yard you could build a pit and put all your plants in there.
