bashed beardy

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
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I found a bearded dragon on the side of the road
it had one half of it's lower jaw riped out of the gum, head trama (blood on eyes) and a ruptured ear drum :(
I have put the jaw back in place and it is mending nicely
I also wiped the blood off the eyes and have seen no further bleeding.
She has become more alert and is at the moment sitting up and looking around (breathing was the only sign of life when I found her)
there is an RSPCA here but last time I took a bearded dragon to them, they thought it was a gecko and did not know what to do with it :evil:
What should I do about the ear drum, I am worred that parasites will get under it and ....
I have had her for three days.
poor thing!! its nice knowing there are other people that get them off the road =]

try calling 1300 animal? i know thats the injured animal line for brisbane. Do you know your equivalent?

these people are fantastic! they are vets and carers so know what their doing

good luck!!
Take it to the vet's over near the Kidd Bridge, they treat native animals free of charge. Also tell them your willing to look after it & release when the times right & they will most likely take you up on the offer. I used to live in Gympie & took quite a few native animals there for treatment including a beardie that had been hit by a car, I then kept him for afew months until he was well enough for release.

The name & address is Gympie Veterinary Services, 2 Little Channon St Gympie. Goodluck
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Thanks for that Kyro :)
She has been moving about and last night she streched out insted of just sitting there in the spot were I put her
No worries Trench, glad to hear she's moving around a little. It's horrific how many beardies we seen that had been hit by car's when we lived there. In one week I counted 23 & that was just between Woolooga to Gympie(about 40kms). I hope she keeps improving for you & can eventually be released, just make sure it's a long way from any roads:) The beardie I helped had to have his jaw wired & stitched but he recovered amazingly quick & was released within 6 months. The vet was a bit worried that he might have brain damage but he was fine once all the swelling went down. Goodluck with her & good on you for giving her a second chance:D
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