I am fairly new to this forum, we currently have two blue tongue lizards. All my sons want for christmas are Bearded Dragons. I have got the enclosure and the licence. We are going away boxing day for 9 days. I am not sure whether to get the lizards and have them there Christmas day or just give them the enclosure and the licence christmas day and then get the lizards when we get back. I live in South East Melbourne and have been keeping an eye on the adds coming up for beardies and it seems that there are less being advertised. I am concerned that there may not be many young ones around when we get back, we were at a reptile store and the guy there said that breeding season is nearly over and that there will not be any more around till next september. I do have someone to look after the lizards and feed them while we are away. When would be the best time to get the lizards? should we get two from the same breeder (in case they eventually breed)? and will there be any babies around in early January?
Thanks for any advice that people may have and let me know if you have any beardies that will be available.
I am fairly new to this forum, we currently have two blue tongue lizards. All my sons want for christmas are Bearded Dragons. I have got the enclosure and the licence. We are going away boxing day for 9 days. I am not sure whether to get the lizards and have them there Christmas day or just give them the enclosure and the licence christmas day and then get the lizards when we get back. I live in South East Melbourne and have been keeping an eye on the adds coming up for beardies and it seems that there are less being advertised. I am concerned that there may not be many young ones around when we get back, we were at a reptile store and the guy there said that breeding season is nearly over and that there will not be any more around till next september. I do have someone to look after the lizards and feed them while we are away. When would be the best time to get the lizards? should we get two from the same breeder (in case they eventually breed)? and will there be any babies around in early January?
Thanks for any advice that people may have and let me know if you have any beardies that will be available.