Bearded Dragon help.

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Active Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Recently I have had a Bearded Dragon diagnosed with MBD, after taking him to the vets, and getting some injection, i have separated him into a smaller tank on his own. But i have been struggling to get his temps to reach high enough.

At first i had an infra-red globe and a UVA/UVB strip globe light thingy.
His temps were only just getting over 32C.
So i went back to the store i bought it from and got it exchanged for a ceramic heat emitter, now his temps are better, But this has meant that i have had to change the bulb in the main tank.

I was informed that using just a woolies or bunning store bought, spot light can work. But the problem i have run into is what to do at night? I cant leave this spotlight on at night cause i have been told it would interfere with their normal day/night cycle.

Is it just easier to go buy another ceramic heat emitter, or is there a way we can use the store bought ones?

Oh and while im here, any tips on getting them all onto veg? They will eat it, if we hand feed it to them, and not readily from a plate/bowl.
i use a "bunnings" light i just put it on a timer and he is fine in the morning, never feels cold or any thing

as for veg maybe put some killed woodies in the dish with all the veg, i did this and my guy ate almost evrything
We don't use heat on our lizards at night. They don't have heat at night in the wild. With MBD, just make sure that they are getting LOTS of calcium suppliment and make sure your UV light is withing the right distance. Good lick with your sick lizard
sorry to hear bout your lizzard think i answered 1 of your other posts on another forum about the heating.
at nights unless it gets below 20c no need to look into night time heating and once it hits 16c night heating is a must in which case if you want get a ceramic heat emitter or heatmat/cord ect.

as stated above you need to concentrate on geting calcium into the lil guy as much as you can take it outside in the sun for half hr or so in the afternoons or mornings while its still cooler. uvb light within 25cm of basking site d3 supliments every 2 days ect

gl hope the lil fella gets well soon
Thank you guys.
He is on two injections of a calcium supplement everyday, aswell as recieving calcium dusted crickets.
I have put him onto a special diet recommended by the vet, a mixture of cat food and an insect powder.
I have placed a log under his UV light, so it is only about 15 cms away from it.

Yeh you did, that was mum ahaha, Thanks for all the help.
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