bearded dragon help...

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Active Member
Apr 30, 2011
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hey there, Ive got two new bearded dragons... one is tiny and loves crickets but wont eat anything else whilst the other eats anything... they are about 2 or 3 months old... what should i do about the little one??? Should i just feed it crickets or try feed it other stuff??? if so any suggestions??? are they maybe not eating because of winter... my temps are pretty good but my bluetongue lizard isnt eating either... temps in both enclosures are 30 hot end and 20 - 25 cold end...
At that age they are mainly insectivorous, so crickets make up the main part of their diet. You should offer them veges, but most young dragons will refuse them.What I used to do is offer veges in the morning, crickets in the arvo. Add some colour to your salads. A bit of diced capsicum or shredded carrot/pumpkin did wonders for me. As for temps, I'm not to sure since its winter. Hot end on my enclosure is about 35, dragon seems a little slower, but still eating normally on most days, refuses a feed every now and then...
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Do you have them housed together? If so, a lot of times one will dominate the other to the point of the smaller or weaker one not eating.
How old are they?
If it is winter, they can have some slowdown even if they are small or young meaning less than 6 months old. However, if they are babies they do need to be up & around to eat & bask so they can grow.

It's probably a dominance thing, try putting in a divider in your enclosure or move the dominant one out.:) I had that problem and then a friend also had the same problem. Splitting them up fixed the problem almost straight away.
It's probably a dominance thing, try putting in a divider in your enclosure or move the dominant one out.:) I had that problem and then a friend also had the same problem. Splitting them up fixed the problem almost straight away.

Sounds more like he's a picky eater to me, and not so much that he isn't eating a lot. Is there a large size difference between the two? does the other dragon take the main portion of any food offered?
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like reptilekev said at that age they tend not to eat veges etc some might but not normally my beardies are 4months old and they still not eating salads/veges i offer it to them regularly they might have a little nibble but thats it they wont eat it all or have a decent amount of it but they wolf down the crickets i feed them everyafternoon when i get home around 4, and as for the bluey mine hasnt really been eating either but its pretty normal for this time of yr how old is your bluey? hot ends for blue tongues should be at the most 32-33degrees, and for beardies around 38degrees hot end
the bigger one eats anything and eats it out of my hand, the other one refuses anything but crickets... they are in the same tank but i take them out of the tank when its feed time and feed them seperately... the arent very active, they jut sit on the logs and branches near the lamp... ive got a 50watt heat lamp in a glass 3ft enclosure... they seem to just do not much at the moment... they are both about 3 months old... there is 2 weeks difference between them...
Do they have a UV light in there mate??
Most of my lizards have gone off food and are sleeping a lot due to the cold, when mine where younger however I didn't let them "cool" in winter and kept there temps up etc
Dominance seems to make a lizard cautious even when they are separate from the dominate one (eg removed for feeding). I had this problem with my netties, one is double the size of the other, I didn't have space nor money to separate them but luckily while the big guy has been cooling I've been able to fatten up the lil one ;-D
If you have the space and money it would be beneficial to separate them.
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