Bearded Dragon is too slow!

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Not so new Member
Nov 15, 2009
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Newcastle NSW
I have a 5 month old bearded dragon who is too slow to catch crickets. I have been feeding him in his enclosure and I am constantly having to lift up his repti-carpet to clear out all the crickets at night (so he can sleep in peace). He always gets enough to eat and hes the right size for hes age but I was just wondering if anyone else has another way to feed, so I dont have to kill the left over crickets.

I have tried feeding him with tweezers but he gets quite aggressive while eating and I'm worried about him hurting himself when attacking the tweezers,I have also tried to feed him by putting him in a box but hes too slow to catch the crickets.

Any suggestions would be appreciated :).
chuck the crickets in the fridge for about 2-3 minutes then chuck them into the enclosure
put the crix in the fridge and then feed him in one of those plastic aquariums u get for ten bucks from crazy clarks. the crickets are slower as they are cold and he can see them better as the base is not a dark colour
Agree with above.

Fridge and seperate container.

Also make sure that your dragon is warmed up, this will also help with digestion.
also maybe try putting him in a quiet area and leaving him to it for 20 min or so 2 of my dragon wont eat if there is to much going on and they are both young. its what i do and it works i put ten or so crix in and come back and they are all gone
just hand feed if hes having trouble, your fingers will be soft enough to not hurt him if he gets over enthusiastic. :)

if u put ur crickets in a big enough container u can just throw him in there fro a few mins, i just chuck my beardies into the roach tub one by one and let them have a gobble,.....
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