Bearded Dragon Problems !! HELP !!

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Not so new Member
Dec 24, 2009
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Victoria, Melbourne
My Bearded Dragon just sits around all day with his mouth a little bit open and his tounge sticking out ... and i know that they do that when there basking but even we he's cold and in the water bowl .. help me im freaking out .. I didnt have him on UVB for a while but i have one now .. and he's not eating ( I mean a cricket or a meal from here now, but rarely ) .... My old bearded dragon died because of the same reason ( And she was a rescue and she only had 3 legs )... help me please !!!!!!!!!!
Have a look inside its mouth and describe the colour is it a central if so is there any yellow?
The Top Of His Mouth Is A Purplely Colour And His Tounge Is Pinky Looking Colour ( Best Word To Disrcibe It .. It Looks Like A Smooth Chunk Of Raw Chicken That Colour )
Is he bubbling or anything?
Am just wondering if maybe its a mouth infection?
My female is a constant venter however she doesnt do it when its cold that ive noticed and her mouth is all pink.
is it an adult
what are your temps in the enclosure
how hot is it in the house
and has he always had water??
No he isnt a adult yet he's 14 inch's and he always has water and i dont know what bubbling means .....and the tank stays around 28C - 35C ... or 80F - 105F.. and the house is around 20C -25C or 70F - 80F ...
Yeh sorry I forgot to ask I am wondering same as Hooglabah?
Also what do you feed?
I feed Live Crickets and Mealworms .. and Ive tried salads and fruit and vegies but he never eats them .. and rarely even eats he's meals and crickets ..( And yes I put calcium powder on the food ( only the live food) )
No No No bubbling then he doesnt do that ... and youu mean whats the temp on the hot spot or what is it .. okaaay its 35C or 105F .. or if youu were asking what is it, Its a piece of wood from my pet store
Ok well I am not sure then hey sorry cant help you however I will be interested to see what other people have to say.

Good luck with it I hope someone can help you.
were are all aussi dont need Farenhiet just celcius.

the hot spot is his basking area it needs to be between 35-40c so thats fine
sometimes herps go off thier food for random reasons however unless they havent eaten at all for a week or two dont stress to much if hes/she is eating even only a little bit chances are there just not hungry. the other thing is as far as greens go some dragons are real picky and wont eat them at all to remedy this once its eating alot again feed it only greens he will get hungry and eat it and then realise he loves it.
has the lizard been wormed latley?? (in the last 3 months). have you checked the stool?? what is the general condition of the dragon?? some pics of the lizards would be appreciated.
Do they have to be wormed ! ....... and go on my profile and look at my pictures theres a pic of him there
I like Herptrader thats we i buy my snakes from .. but not my dragons ... Naah my local pet store has a book for sale called "Keeping Bearded Dragons" and "Bearded Dragon Care" and "Bearded Dragon Maintanence"....

Thanks, Tom
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