Bearded Dragon Shedding Help!!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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I have noticed my bearded dragon has started to shed. All the shed has come off except for the tail and rear left leg. I have tried bathing the beardie 2 to 3 times per day for the last 3 or 4 days but the skin just wont budge. Is there anything else i can do to try and get the rest of. I am starting to worry about loss of circulation etc.

Thanks for all your help!

I agree with gecko man mate also how long you bathing for at a time? Are you also massaging?
Correct temperatures & slight humidity seem to have a lot to do with shedding as well.
Please don't be tempted to peel any off, as the others have said, it sometimes takes a while for the lot to come off.
Wow thats alot of bathing for the skin to have not come off corectly , maybe try bathing for a little longer and see how you go.
mine shed in patches all the time...sometimes takes ages for it all to come off

i wouldnt be too worried bout it
The shed hasn't been milky for about a week or so now. So im starting to worry. First time i have ever had trouble with their shedding.
Dont worry takes my Jackys about a week to shed. But if it goes longer i bath in luke warm water, and try to massage the area and most of the time it comes off. Dont try to rip it of though (you might do damage to it).
A week is not a long time for it to be milky but it should not take much longer (2 weeks is too long)
As they get older in my experience they can take longer to shed
If ur worried take peeps advice but giving warm baths and gently rubbing
Personally id just be misting them twice a day as u should do anyway while in shed
Make sure they have rough surfaces like rocks to tub their skin of
How's the shedding going mate any success yet?

My boy has been shedding for over 2 weeks now (he always takes a while to shed) and he had until today shed all but a band around his wrist. When I misted him today and checked over him I found myself forced to attempt to remove his unshed scales:-( (carefully of course) as his foot was beginning to swell under it from lack of circulation. Of course when I checked in on him again before lights out his foot and leg were perfectly fine8). However I have seen a mate 'help' his bluey shed its tail only for it to drop the tip of it with the shed :-( so the moral here of course is be very careful when it comes to helping your herp shed as sometimes it helps and other times it hinders.
Yeah, try not to freak out too much- my bearded dragon just finished a shed, and no sooner had she done so, she's just started to shed again! (She's young and growing really rapidly.) Like the others said it happens in stages, with head/ legs coming off one week, then maybe the back coming off like a week or even more later.

One thing the vet told me that's good to use on reptiles is Sorbolene cream. Can't hurt to rub some in any "problem" areas.
mine are adults and shed in the weirdest patches, like half a back, or an inch of tail,..section of stomach, nose, half a head,....

if ur worried about circulation being cut off around the toes or tail soak it in a bath for 15 mins or so and apply paw paw ointment (the stuff in a red tube or jar) its natural like sorbolene cream but way more moisturising.

if ur gonna 'help' it shed, do it after a long soak and just GENTLY rub ur finger over the shedding area, mine go nuts when they shed around their eyes and that helps them without any chance of hurting them.
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