Bearded Dragons & Oz purple night lights

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Active Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Hi everyone,

I understand that red lights can disturb a bearded dragon at night time, as they can see the red spectrum. I can't find any info on the Oz purple night lights though. The info on the globe says 'Oz Purple heat and light globes are nocturnal heat lamps that are suitable for viewing the reptiles natural habits at night as well as providing heat to bask under'.

If you have used the Oz purple night lights, did it disrupt your beardie?

thanks for your help!

Morning Dragonlady!!

I need some sort of heating - I can't use a heatmat/cord as its a melamine enclosure, and it gets to below zero overnight where I live!!!

If I were to use a purple night light to keep the temp up, do you think that it would upset the beardy?

thanks for your help!!

really? why didn't it last long? Im guessing the globe blew?
yeah i had it for about 3 weeks...but they look good and not to much light comes off them
I've also used them with my bearded dragon, didn't upset the dragon but mine also only lasted around a month each.

I was using an on off thermostat so it didn't get too warm and it's really not recommended to use an on off thermostat with a globe, so that's why I think they kept blowing. I use a ceramic globe (are they still called globes when they are ceramic???) now and it works really well.
If you have an adult then should be fine as long as they don't drop below 10c. I'm in ACT we're getting -2 at night, My girl dosen't go below 16c at the lowest and I don't use any night time heat
I use a ceramic globe in my beardies enclosure and I leave it on 24 hrs a day. I just turn the UV off at night. They are expensive but they last a lot longer than the normal globes.
thanks for your advice everyone - i'll stick with a ceramic heat emitter!

globes are not needed at night

use a large ceramic tile...& wedge a heat mat between another ceramic disburses the heat brilliantly doesnt need to be fixed in
substrate can go on top easily

at night your temps can go to a low of 20* for a Juvie....& for a adult i wouldnt worry as because they should be semi brumating if not awake by now in your state
I use a lower wattage red spot light up one end at night, my beardy sleeps the other end with his back to the light. He sometimes goes under it at night for a while, may swap it for ceramic.

I need heat at night as my enclosure get's down to 12* on the cold nights with this on, I'd hate to think of how cold it would be without it. My enclosure's in the garage and it get's really cold there.

The red light doesn't seem to have bothered him at all, without it though the night temps would fall to single figures I reckon.
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