Beardie egg help

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Mar 31, 2009
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i recently brought a female beardie who was highly pregnant, the next day she laid her eggs. she had 22 eggs. This is my first clutch of eggs. Are clapsed eggs are infertile? should i take them out the incubator?
do you mean collapsed eggs, as in sunken? if so your humidity maybe to low and the eggs have dyhidrated. adding some water to the substrate may reinflate the eggs as long as they havent been dyhidrated for to long
as soon as she layed the eggs they wernt plump like the others, they were a little sunken? im just worried they were go mouldy or off and effect the other eggs?
if they were like that when she layed them id think they werent properly formed and wouldnt be viable so its best to remove them. good luck with the rest
Some eggs can be laid soft and slightly sunken and are fertile and will refill after some time in the inc, often though they are infertile and won't refill and just go mouldy..BUT never write them off untill they are mouldy, I had a clutch a few seasons back that I would of banked as being slugs, they were all yellow and soft... 100% hatch rate.
So are only some of the eggs collapsed looking??, & the others OK?
If so, u could keep them a bit more seperated from the others for a few days - they'll shrivel in that time, & unless u have too much moisture/humidity, shouldn't go mouldy, just dry & shrivel up.
Like Wranga said, I can't imagine them being much good either though, so best to get rid of the ones that don't look good.
Feed her up well, supplement feeders with calcium, & hopefully the problem shouldn't happen with her next clutch.
thanks everyone for the advice.... i have seperated the sunken eggs with the firm eggs, im going to keep them in the incubator just incase they do hatch... otherwise if i dispose of them ill be always wondering..
thanks guys!!!
same thing happened with my first clutch, although my 2nd is looking alot better..good luck mate..dont throw them out till your 110% sure, JasonL is always on the money lol
Yes that would probably be the best thing to do since your not entirely sure of whats wrong, if anything is....
have you candled the eggs yet? hold a small light up next to them and see if you can see veins and a red spot or circle inside them, dont move or roll them though.
Candle the healthy ones to get an idea of how they should look if it makes it easier.
It's ok to feed them yabbies if they are declawed...and if they are willing to eat them. They would be very high in calcium and would make great food I would think.
becauase i had my beardies outside in my reptile enclosure today and i took a yabbie outa the pond and pulled its claws off and me female went nuts for it and ate
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