ive got a beardie that has layd 14 eggs 7 weeks ago and i got told that she would lay another clutch about 6 weeks apart.but now its the 7th week should i be worried?
Is this a Central?
Could u just let us know how old she is, is this her first season breeding, kept inside or out, what temps u have at basking spot (if inside), is she eating heaps & does she look puffed out / visibly gravid?
shes a eastern.shes 2 years old.its her first breeding season.kept inside with a basking spot of 25 degrees.shes not eating as much as usual but she eats a bit every day.yeah she looks gravid but not that ya can see the eggs just really big.
She wouldn't with a basking spot of that temp.
Crank it up to about 36,her egg probably won't produce at that temp you had them at.
Conditions,temps,food ect play a big part with how many clutches they have and the size of the clutch.
I've only had my centrals go over the 3 wk mark due to the weather, & therefore heating - I keep mine outside, so if we have a cooler wk whilst they're gravid, they're naturally longer 'brewing'
25C is WAY too cool, should be more around the 38C at least. Also for her digestion & general well-being.
thanx ill crank it up to 36 or 38 an see how i go then. that makes alot of sence i would of had it at that on the first clutch but i thought it might have been to hot. thanx again.
Not really sure on my temps as i have open tanks with 100w mv globes.
Id say they would get around 40+.i didn't mention this as id rather tell you a safe temp than cook your beardies.38 is spot on as Lollypop said but not knowing your set up or knowing if u are using stats 36 was safe.