Hi guys at APS,
First post here hopefully not my last. I have been given two central bearded dragons over 2 years old. They look considerably undersize for adults and the person who handed me them said they only had the ocassional contact with sunlight for uv exposure once a week if anything. I'm worried that they are ill because in comparison to the ones listed on APS they are tiny.
Any ideas on what i should do? This is them and their sizes the bigger is the female the smaller is the male.
Thanks for all the help.
Yfrog - 06112009459
Yfrog - 06112009460
First post here hopefully not my last. I have been given two central bearded dragons over 2 years old. They look considerably undersize for adults and the person who handed me them said they only had the ocassional contact with sunlight for uv exposure once a week if anything. I'm worried that they are ill because in comparison to the ones listed on APS they are tiny.
Any ideas on what i should do? This is them and their sizes the bigger is the female the smaller is the male.
Thanks for all the help.
Yfrog - 06112009459
Yfrog - 06112009460