Active Member
Hey all , after thinking that my beardies would not mate i mated my male with my friends 2 females about a week ago , and 2 days ago i was checking up on my Female and to my surprise she has dropped a single egg on her rock that is situated underneath the heat lamp, she has held these eggs for a long time as she has not been in contact with a male since she has woken up from brumamation(woke up a week ago) and the MASSIVE egg that she laid is Fertile as it is white and i have candled it and can see the purpleish embryo , i have now moved this into my hovabator , so basically i can see more eggs in her now but she wont lay them , i have made a laying box that has about 8 inchs of lightly mosit vermiculite and a very minor sand mix and hasnt shown any interest , so how long should i wait for the rest of the eggs before it can do any damage or should i get her to the vet ASAP ??? any suggestions would be great . Thanks. Pete