Beardie laying problem

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Active Member
Jul 16, 2008
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Sydney - Northern Beaches
Hey all , after thinking that my beardies would not mate i mated my male with my friends 2 females about a week ago , and 2 days ago i was checking up on my Female and to my surprise she has dropped a single egg on her rock that is situated underneath the heat lamp, she has held these eggs for a long time as she has not been in contact with a male since she has woken up from brumamation(woke up a week ago) and the MASSIVE egg that she laid is Fertile as it is white and i have candled it and can see the purpleish embryo , i have now moved this into my hovabator , so basically i can see more eggs in her now but she wont lay them , i have made a laying box that has about 8 inchs of lightly mosit vermiculite and a very minor sand mix and hasnt shown any interest , so how long should i wait for the rest of the eggs before it can do any damage or should i get her to the vet ASAP ??? any suggestions would be great . Thanks. Pete
i provide a large plastic container with moist sand for my beardies to lay in, vermiculite may be too light ??
she has to have been gestating the eggs for weeks now, to be laying at this point.
If she only woke up a week ago and mated with the male then, you will be waiting about 2 - 3 weeks or more for her to lay eggs.
In saying that, the fact she layed 1 fertile egg after a week is strange!
Were they in brumation together? He may have woken up and did the deed a few times while you were asleep etc
Personally, i would add more sand to the mix as well.
There were seperated before brumamation , and she has NOT been in contact with any male since , so starting to get a bit worried that she has only dropped 1 massive egg , she has been displaying the usual signs of being gravid , running up and down the tank like crazy , and wanting out then back in the tank , but hasnt really been tunneling yet , ill go and add some more sand and se how she goes if she doesnt lay by tommorow off to the vet we go:cry:. Thanks all for your imput. Pete
Hey all , i went motocross riding for the day to get my mind off my beardy that wouldnt lay and before i left i added more sand and some sphagnum moss to the laying side off her tank , when i cam home all of the sand from the laying side had been moved over to the hot side of her tank , but funnily enough it looked to be the same shape pile i had made before i left but on the opposite side of the tank now, though i was going crazy :? , then i glanced over to my female only to see in shock how skinny she was , so i carefully dug up the sand with a teaspoon to my amazement to find another 22eggs :D , all of them but 1 look to be fine , so fingers crossed in 50-60 days i should have alot more cream phased beardies!! SO THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR HELP AND GREAT INFO . Pete
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