Beardie not eating :( help!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2008
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I have a new beardie, git her 1 week ago and she has eaten about 2 crickets the whole time, i have offered her crickets every day and she is more interested in hiding.

Im feeding her in a little tank and she spends the whole time trying to get out

i have tried moving the feeding tank to different spots and also covering it so she cant see anything but that doesnt help

whenever she is in the enclosure she is mostly hiding

i got another with her who is the exact opposite, pretty much feeding out of my hand alreay

what should i do?

i am very worried she wont eat and will eventually die, never had a beardie like this!

she is about 6 months old

any ideas??!!
Whats the temperature like inside the tank? Don't move things around too much, as small beardies are easily stressed in new enviroments and try not to handle her too much just yet.
Oh, and try feeding them seperately, it could be that the other beardy is more dominant than her.. which could be another adding of stress on her
keep them seperately permanently, and try feeding in the enclosure.

when they are young and scared, the move to a seperate feeding tank is too stressfull..
Offer them veggies at all times though.
Mine took a little while to get comfortable.

Stationary vegetable matter is a lot less scary than live crickets jumping all over the place.
Try clover. Mine go nuts for it.
ok thanks for the replies

yea im feeding the girls seperately

i jus get worried aboutfeeding crickets in the enclosure as there are a few spots to lose them

is it something they grow out of?
make sure you have multi basking areas when having more than 1 dragon in 1 habitat
do not feed crawling...woodies/crickets in the habitat...always feed separate tub/habitat

at 6 mnths vitticeps should be able to eat meal worms..
using meal worms in the greens works wonders
trying to had feed meal worms or earthworms on the palm of your hand works as well
make sure the hydration is kept up ...spraying & or bathing in luke warm water can stimulate appetite
your handling her at night should settle her ...& i would take hide away
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