Beardie wont eat vegies

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Not so new Member
Mar 3, 2007
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Pakenham vic
Can anyone give me some ideas on how to get our beardie to eat his vegies?

He is about 5 months old and has no problems with crickets but just seems to totally ignore his vegie bowl regardless of what is in there. I have tried grated apple, grated carrot, a number of greens, brocoli and even the dragon pellets.

Best thing to do is chop up some greens such as different lettuce varieties as well as some dandelions and mix it in with the insects every feed (best not to feed meal worms to young bearded either). Place the insects in the fridge for about 5 minutes before hand so that they slow right down and therefor will stay on the food bowl with the greens for a lot longer. This has always worked for me.
hunger often changes there attitude , dont feed it anything other then vegies for a day or 2 ..
thats funny, i have been feeding my beardie heaps of brocoli lately and he doesnt seem interested in any crickets i offer to him. He still smashes the woodies, just not the crickets.

edit: my beardy didnt actually eat many vegies at all till he was 6-7months old. when i did get him to finally eat some, i just wet a little piece of brocoli and rubbed his nose with it, he must have liked the wetness because he took it straight away. It pays to let them get really hungry too.
My pygmy wont eat crickets or woodies atm. Used to eat them but lately he is not interested in them still eats some vegies tho seems to allways eat the carots.
actually now i think about it, my beardy will eat anything brightly colored. i offered him some bright red capsicum the other day and he ate it. he loves bright yellow dandelions, and any bright green vegie he goes nuts for.
But, when i put in the colored fortified bearded dragon food, he picks out the green pellets and leaves the rest.

edit: maybe they are like humans where they just like a bit of variety. I mean, if you ate pizza everyday for a week or 2 you would be delighted to have something different.
I offer all my beardies vege's before feeding them insects.
I found i really good trick is to throw the veggies in small peices in the enclosure one by one. Throw them close to your dragon. They see something moving and rush over to investigate and some times taste it first. It may take a few goes but i found it works well.
I feed my beardies mash pumpkin mixed with rocket chopped celery dandelion flowers meal worms and crickets they love it.
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