Well-Known Member
I have recently bought a bearded dragon and 2 pygmy beardies they are roomies at the moment while my grandad is making another enclosure for me- god love him : p I've had bluetongue's before so have a basic understanding, but are the beardy's and pygmy's ok on the same food,I'm giving them crickets and meal worms aswell as bok and pak choy at the moment, also I live in nth qld where we have 24 degree nights so you can imagine temps during the day is it essential to have a heat light? I just checked and temps are around 35 near uv light up top of enclosure and 25 down the bottom is this ok?
Also how old do pygmy's need to be before you can tell their gender and is their a way of finding out their age...the petshop just said they were juvinile's ...grr
Also how old do pygmy's need to be before you can tell their gender and is their a way of finding out their age...the petshop just said they were juvinile's ...grr