New Member
Sorry to have the millionth beardie-related question on here!
I got 2 8-month old coastal bearded dragons last week, had them for a week now. They seem fairly settled in to the enclosure, happy to sit up on the logs and bask, not scared of me, i'm not handling them too often in case it's stressing them. Everything seems fine, except they don't want to eat!
The first few days I was trying greens (mixes of broccoli, grapes, banana, peas) or boiled egg and dog food, I'd put the food in there with them for about half an hour, while watching them from a distance so as not to scare them, and they didn't touch it. Then on Thursday I went and got some medium crickets, whch they each ate about 3 of before seeming uninterested. I fed them in a big cardboard box separate from their enclosure, so they could chase the crickets and get a bit of stimulation.
Then this weekend I tried greens one day and the egg/dog food mix the other, both without any interest shown. After they didn't eat Sunday morning, I did the cricket thing again, putting them in the cardboard box. This time they had more like 8 each before becoming uninterested.
I'm worried that the crickets won't be enough for them, or a good enough balance. The breeder said they had been eating lots of crickets and woodies, but had also started really chomping into the greens recently, so I'm worried they won't be getting enough food to grow!
Also - I'm buying my crickets, so they're coming in a little plastic box. However, trying to get them out/catch them with tongs is a nightmare! I have been scaring a few out into a plastic bag to shake them around with calcium, but it takes about 20 minutes to get enough in there, and then getting them back is just as bad! Is putting them in the fridge prior to feeding a good option?
Thanks guys
I got 2 8-month old coastal bearded dragons last week, had them for a week now. They seem fairly settled in to the enclosure, happy to sit up on the logs and bask, not scared of me, i'm not handling them too often in case it's stressing them. Everything seems fine, except they don't want to eat!
The first few days I was trying greens (mixes of broccoli, grapes, banana, peas) or boiled egg and dog food, I'd put the food in there with them for about half an hour, while watching them from a distance so as not to scare them, and they didn't touch it. Then on Thursday I went and got some medium crickets, whch they each ate about 3 of before seeming uninterested. I fed them in a big cardboard box separate from their enclosure, so they could chase the crickets and get a bit of stimulation.
Then this weekend I tried greens one day and the egg/dog food mix the other, both without any interest shown. After they didn't eat Sunday morning, I did the cricket thing again, putting them in the cardboard box. This time they had more like 8 each before becoming uninterested.
I'm worried that the crickets won't be enough for them, or a good enough balance. The breeder said they had been eating lots of crickets and woodies, but had also started really chomping into the greens recently, so I'm worried they won't be getting enough food to grow!
Also - I'm buying my crickets, so they're coming in a little plastic box. However, trying to get them out/catch them with tongs is a nightmare! I have been scaring a few out into a plastic bag to shake them around with calcium, but it takes about 20 minutes to get enough in there, and then getting them back is just as bad! Is putting them in the fridge prior to feeding a good option?
Thanks guys