Beardy brumation

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AussiePythons Supporter
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Jan 23, 2008
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South West Victoria
Hi all.
My female beardy has been brumating now for the last 3-4months. In this time she has nt eaten or drunk anything. Just lies under the paper. About a month ago, I got her out from under the paper and put under the heat. By next morning, she'd gone back under the paper again. Obviously wasnt ready to wake.

Over the last 6wks, Ive slowly upt the temps and daylight period trying to get her to come out. but still no show.

Last night I got her out again and put her under the light. She seemed to cruise around the enclosure for a while. Stil not eating anything or drinking as far as Ive seen, and for the most part this avo, is lying near her log under heat sleeping again.

Is this normal. and how long does it normally take for them to fully come out of the brumation phase. I would have thought that she would have started to get a bit active by now again.

And on another note. how long after she comes out of brumation should I try mating her.

Your help is appreciated
Sounds perfectly normal. I thought mine were coming out and then they went back to sleep again. Night temps effect it too, so if the nights are still cool, you'll just have to wait and see.

And on another note. how long after she comes out of brumation should I try mating her.

Initially I read that the wrong way, but I know what you mean - I'm pretty sure you can put them together straight away. :lol:
I'd suggest feeding up your female and getting her metabolism going properly before putting her with the male.

Only one of mine properly brumated, the rest half brumated! Went to bed for a week, then got up and wanted food, then went back to bed for a few days etc!!
Heat the whole room, and put a new UV light in the cage. That should wake her up.
I'd suggest feeding up your female and getting her metabolism going properly before putting her with the male.

Only one of mine properly brumated, the rest half brumated! Went to bed for a week, then got up and wanted food, then went back to bed for a few days etc!!

Mine did the same, probably only asleep fully for a week.
So i gave them no heat from 4pm to 9am, and raised their light so it wasnt getting as hot during the day. Worked well for me, now i have eggs incubating! :lol:
My beardies been brumating since mid May-ish, just becoming more active now and eating a lot more this last week or so, it's not as cold lately. This last week he's eating about 15 large woodies per day.

During brumation he ate maybe once a week, five crickets per week. I'm trying to introduce new things into his diet at the moment.

If he can't chase it he won't eat it.

Here he is warming his rump. What's the fella on the right on the rock? He let me photograph him during a recent trip, friendly character!


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Good to be back. Well it appears my questions have been answered although can someone tell me what light cycle I should be using now with spring almost upon us???? Yep my beadie is very inactive too. Kinda hard to get used to.
13-14hrs of daylight is what I use to get my breeders really pumping.
My beardies been brumating since mid May-ish, just becoming more active now and eating a lot more this last week or so, it's not as cold lately.
Mine were exactly the same started brumating mid-may and have just started coming out of it in the last week. But mine didn't eat (or drink) a thing for the whole brumation period, didn't lose any weight though. They basically didn't move or do anything for the whole time, but are quite active now and seem perfectly fine!
Good to hear, I don't think mine has anymore interest in brumating now, that's it for this season. He's super active now, leaping off branches, following me up and down his tank as I walk by.

He's a totally different creature now. I only had him for one week and then he started brumating so I haven't had the chance to get to "know" him until just now.:)
My beardies been brumating since mid May-ish, just becoming more active now and eating a lot more this last week or so, it's not as cold lately. This last week he's eating about 15 large woodies per day.

During brumation he ate maybe once a week, five crickets per week. I'm trying to introduce new things into his diet at the moment.

If he can't chase it he won't eat it.

Here he is warming his rump. What's the fella on the right on the rock? He let me photograph him during a recent trip, friendly character!

Eastern(?) water dragon, Looks to be gravid. :D
Since my Beardies come out of brumation all he want to eat are woodies, loves chasing them around his tank. He won't eat anythig else, unless it moves so he also eats the crickets.

Stupid question, but are the cockroaches that ARCade sell the same as "woodies"?
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