Beardy Q

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AussiePythons Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
South West Victoria
Hi all, have some Q's.

My two beardies mated yesterday. They both were on the floor of the lounge. Ususally she would try and fight/bit him, however let him do it this time (most prob b/c she brumated). At the moment Ive seperated them again in each's enclosure.

Q Can I pair them every day for the week or so and get them to mate repeatedly over the week 2 increase chances of fertilisation, or should I just put him in with her for a while???
Bit worried to leave them alone together for lengths of time due to their fiesty history.

Help is appreciated

i thought with beardies once the deed was done it was done,..?

if hes feisty i'd only put them together supervised, but normally once hes been there she should be gravid, providing he finished,...
Being fiesty is part of dragon mating ...

always keep a eye on them ...all should be ok letting nature take it course
if you introduce....separate repeatedly ..
.this can cause more damage as as he is trying to " the dominant one "
things will settle down

wouldnt need more than 2 days max ide say
if you temps up....summer temps ...90%
then it comes down to the intake of calcium ...feed
which the female needs to produce a healthy clutch ....& needs enough
that not too much is taken out of her system

so feed up !....... feed em to breed em !!!:p
Hey Dragon lady, I just put the male with the female again.

He jumped on ready to do the deed, however didnt this time, she then tried to get him off, and once he was off her back, basically the same happened as to what use to happen. She gets very aggressive and holds her body up off the ground (still slowly head bobbing), but at the same time positioning herself in readiness to attack his feet and tail. If it wasnt for him getting out of the way each time, she get hold and not let go.

Very aggressive. Then he doesnt have much hope of getting back on her. Hes too busy trying not to get in her way I think.

I had to seperate them. I'm just wandering now if she's content that he did the deed yesterday and now doesnt want anything to do with him.

What are the chances of her now being preg after yesterdays one mating event.

Should I try them again 2morro, outside her enclosure on the floor again??
I have never bred beardies but maybe see how long it takes to notice if the female is gravid and if she is.... sweet... if not.... try again....
I'm sure someone with much more knowledge than me can help....
But looking at it from a novice point of view, it doesnt sound like the stress and possible injury of one of them is worth it if they have successfully mated. Good luck
ive been told that the female will lay within 25-45 days of mating depending on her ovulation cycle when she was with the boy,..just to give u a time frame to see if u wanna wait and see if it worked or not,.. :p

hehe, the feet and tail thing sounds hillariuous,...!! sounds like shes got her boy under control,...!! :p
in the not mating is worth harm to your critters.....your the keeper
yes there is a high chance the "deed' has been its wat & see lol
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