Beardy Shake'n' - ???

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AussiePythons Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2008
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South West Victoria
Hi all, its coming on 2weeks since my female beardy layed 29 eggs. She starting to get bigger again, so hoefully she'll lay some more. However, the last 3-5days, she's been doing this strange shake, like a wriggle of her rear end. Almost as if she 's laying eggs - that kind of wriggle.

And tends to crawl a little rather than walk, although she can walk still OK and does so when she wants?

Has anyone seen this before. Ive been pumping the calcium into her feeds and shes been wanting to eat quite a bit, just in case she has another clutch, but I think her light is ready to be swapped over and I was thinking could this be MBD, brought on more so b/c of her body using more calcium for the eggs???

Shes been pooping Ok, so I dont think its compaction. I gave her a bath earlier, and she was trying to use her rear feet to scratch her back also which was a bit strange, and hadnt seen before. Could she be getting bitten by anything, and shes trying to shake whatever it is off?? Do they get mites???

Your help is appreciated

I would suggest you continue with the increased calcium and up her uv intake (try and get her out in the sun for a couple of hours a day) sounds like MBD to me. Good luck with her.
If you are not sure her UV light is still working, take her outside in the sun. My "Bearded Dragon Manual" says 10 hours a week of sunlight is as good as 10 hours a day artificial UV light. And the UV is important to help her absorb the calcium. And also watch things you feed her that are too high in phosphorus. They need phosphorus but too much removes calcium from foods and her body will get no benefit of the extra calcium you are giving her.

I know you can't help nature, but letting her have a clutch so soon after laying 29 eggs could take its toll on a female, also. All their energy goes into producing their eggs, then she is gravid again so soon. Just watch that she isn't lacking any nutrients, and perhaps separate her from the male so she can have a rest and recover properly before putting such stress on her body too much.
Yer mysnakesau, I'm getting a new globe 2morro just in case and am in hte process of setting up a safe enclosure outside to take advantage of the sun.

Hopefully that is what it is and I'm able to fix it.

As for pairing the male and female. No, they are kept seperate. Beardies are able to multi clutch. They can hold sperm even from the one mating event, so its totally up to her as to how many clutches she is infact going to have now, out of my hands.

The first clutch of 29 egss, and maybe the others if she has them is all from one mating event that actually happened on the loungeroom floor when they were both out. other than that, they are not house together.

There is a condition called 'Hypocalcemia' which involves the blood having low amounts of calcium, it can cause an animal to suffer muscle twitches and lethargy.

If the animal is suffering hypocalcemia caused by lack of calcium intake or absorption, to rectify the problem you must maintain proper hydration, decrease dietary phosphorus (which removes calcium), and increase dietary calcium and UVB exposure.

If you do have concerns, give your nearest reptile vet a buzz.
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