6yo Albino Darwin, had since a hatchy.
Last Monday found 2 jelly like clear lumps on his side, when touched they were movable. (Had disposable gloves on)
So I searched for answers on here and the web, found something called blister disease which looked very similar except they weren’t on his belly.
Took everything out of his enclosure, cleaned and disinfected everything, put down newspaper, his hide and a small water bowl, and bumped up the temp a little (as my research advised)
Applied Betadine ointment to lumps/blisters.
Got a vet appt 2 days later with a reptile vet, my usual vet had been off withCovid and was fully booked.
Anyway, she didn’t seem to know with any certainty what it was. Took a small sample of the fluid in the blister, no bacteria found.
She thought may be thermal burns (not a chance, have a 75W lamp with cage, even if I put my hands on it, it’s never hot enough to even be uncomfortable)
Cage and furnishings are basic, well ventilated, wooden enclosure, temps around 30-32 at hot spot, cool side around 20.
On heat 24/7, fed roughly 3 weeks apart, sheds cleanly.
The only thing I have changed was I used a couple of inches of Breeders Choice cat
litter as substrate, but after 2 or 3 months removed it as he would often tip his water bowl half over and it wouldn’t show up as being wet on the top.
So he could have been laying in moist bedding till I cleaned it all weekly.
Cut long story short, I’m applying Betadine twice a day, changing newspaper daily, and the blisters/lumps have shrunk quite a bit.
The vet said wait till he sheds, see how that goes, meantime apply Betadine, keep enclosure dry, if they burst and looks yellow/bloody go back for antibiotics.
Vet seemed uncertain of what it was, except blisters of some sort, so not definitely ‘blister disease’ which didn’t give me much reassurance.
I could try for an appt with my usual reptile vet if necessary.
(Snakes been treated with Betadine since Tuesday morning)