I have 2 blue tongues that I'm not sure whether they are either male or female. I've noticed some fighting just before and took the smaller one out that was copping it. I need some advice on what to do now please.
How big is the enclosure? Blueys should be seperate unless in a huge outdoor pit. They have very "rough" mating habits too. As mentioned above, photos of both would make it easier.
It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to wipe any wounds with warm salt water daily to keep them clean. You shouldn't have any problems with the wounds healing if he is keep in hygienic conditions but it wont hurt to be cautious
I have 2 in a 3ft enclosure although I could upgrade to a larger enclosure. I don't know if it is mating or not but they have been together since I got them about 3 years ago and was told they were male + female pair