Blue tounges can they have fun?

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May 8, 2007
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Can blue tongues have fun or are their brains to small....can they love etc etc what emotions do they have? Can i have proof of what you say as well not just "Ah I know he loves me etc"....thanks :D
As i just dont know if he can feel love etc its just killing me to know!!! ツ

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Angus Strom
at best they associate you with five minutes break from the day to day in their enclosure...... & as a couple of mine are mating at the moment.... I definitely would not say there is much love involved..... closer to rape dare I say it !!!!!
Well it may sound a little ha-da-ho-ha but my youngest blue tongue seems to be a big softy with me. when he's on the floor if u put my hand down on the ground he'll climb up onto it, and try and snuggle up into my jumper :D he also knows good table manners, and when im around he'll delicately eat his food, but if i go away or secretly spy on him, he'll suddenly dive into his food and be a huge pig :D but the amazing thing is, that when he's with other people, he somethings hisses at them or try's to bite their fingers, hence the name snappy :D
My blue tongue will only pee on me.... When anyone else handles him he doesn't pee, but as soon as they hand him back to me he pees on me.
If that aint love then I don't know what is...
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