Bluey has droopy lip, help!

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Aug 31, 2010
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My 6 month old eastern blue tongue has always had a bit of a droop to one side of his lip, pretty much as early as I can remember, yet recently it seems to be looking dry in that area. I thought mouth rot at first, but it doesn't really look like it from what I've researched. Another theory was a bad lip shed or cat food droop but I really don't know.

Iv attached some photos, does anyone have any ideas what it is, and if so, how to treat it? It droops more some times than others, sometimes not at all, and appears dry and a tiny bit discolored.

Thanks!! 2011-05-20 13.32.58.jpg2011-05-20 13.33.21.jpg
Its most likely metabolic bone disorder. Caused by the lack of calcium being taken up and processed by the body. This results in low density and softening of the bone. You can remedy the calcium problem but not the deformity.
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