Breeding mice

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2008
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Hi Guys,
Just wondering if you could give me a bit on info about breeding mice. I only have 4 snakes atm but there is allways food shortages. So now i am going to start breeding them myself. The extra i will either sell or give away to friends. I know the basics like sawdust as bedding, and a handfull of shredded paper in one corner as a laying site. But i wanted to know a few questions; Whats the best breeding ratio? (1m to 2f), Best quality food i can buy? What size tub to use? Also does anyone have the link to the thread what swaddo made on the rat breeding rack?
Thankyou for your time,:)
the size of tub depends on how the ratio u want to run, im not sure on the size of the tub we use but they are about 40cm L x 30cm W x 20cm D, and we run 4girls to one boy.
we have bred mice in large tubs and had multiple males and females in there and that does fine.
there is no right and wrong way mate.
and why mice? rats are probably better to breed and would suit your snakes better then mice? that is if your snakes arnt hatchlings and still feeding on mice.

if you do a bit of a search im positive there are alot of these threads to look at.

Thanks Smithy. Yer i am going to start with mice as all my snakes are on them at the moment. But then i will move to rats for the BHP'S. I am pretty sure i will get a couple of diamonds etc down the track that will eat the rats as well. I know one thing they stink (mice) but thats ok, luckily i own horses, with old offices down there. In one of them that i cleaned out i will set them up.
Thanks Smithy. Yer i am going to start with mice as all my snakes are on them at the moment. But then i will move to rats for the BHP'S. I am pretty sure i will get a couple of diamonds etc down the track that will eat the rats as well. I know one thing they stink (mice) but thats ok, luckily i own horses, with old offices down there. In one of them that i cleaned out i will set them up.

no worries matey. and your local pet and produce will stock a rodent feed, barastock or something like that.

Thanks, I'll have to give them a call next week. Happy New Year by the way!!
I actually breed mice for food and pets. I'm a member of a rat fancier society as well lol but what i'm trying to get at is sawdust is a huge no no if you want the healthiest possible mice. It gives them respiratory problems and mites. We personally use wheaten chaff (Don't buy lucerne as it's harmful to them if they eat it, which they will) as bedding but if you are only going to breed small scale, breeders choice kitty litter is highly recommended. It doesn't smell as bad.

With breeding we'll put as many females in with a male as we need. Each female mouse generally throws out 10 babies in a litter but it does vary. It's 21 days gestation. And the female will go on heat straight after birth for 12hrs. It's best to give the mums a break every now and then or you could just keep replacing them with their babies when they get worn out and die.

Shredded newspaper i've found doesn't last long as bedding and often the ink rubs off onto the bubs. We use paper towel but basically anything works. No cotton though as bubs get tangled.

As for food, don't buy the prepacked stuff from the supermarket. 99% of the time it contains something harmful to the mice. Everyone i know either buys rat food pellets from somewhere or they make their own. To make your own just buy a bag of wild bird seed and add muesli, pasta and dry dog/cat food. You can also add cereals like cheerios, cornflakes and weatbix.

Tub size depends on how many females you decide to breed. Remember the babies will need room to grow though. That's if you don't seperate them. I'm assuming your spotteds are eating medium to large mice?

You may also want to consider looking into ivermectin in case of mites or worms. Apparently it's safe for rodents intended as food. But i'd double check first.

Anyway, i better stop boring everyone :p Hope this helps a little and let me know if you want to know anything else
Lonewolf, i got plenty of wheaten chaff!! Thanks for all the info. I am porberly going to put 1 male to 2 females. Yes my spotteds are eating medium to large mice, and so are my BHP's.
I actually breed mice for food and pets. I'm a member of a rat fancier society as well lol but what i'm trying to get at is sawdust is a huge no no if you want the healthiest possible mice. It gives them respiratory problems and mites. We personally use wheaten chaff (Don't buy lucerne as it's harmful to them if they eat it, which they will) as bedding but if you are only going to breed small scale, breeders choice kitty litter is highly recommended. It doesn't smell as bad.

With breeding we'll put as many females in with a male as we need. Each female mouse generally throws out 10 babies in a litter but it does vary. It's 21 days gestation. And the female will go on heat straight after birth for 12hrs. It's best to give the mums a break every now and then or you could just keep replacing them with their babies when they get worn out and die.

Shredded newspaper i've found doesn't last long as bedding and often the ink rubs off onto the bubs. We use paper towel but basically anything works. No cotton though as bubs get tangled.

As for food, don't buy the prepacked stuff from the supermarket. 99% of the time it contains something harmful to the mice. Everyone i know either buys rat food pellets from somewhere or they make their own. To make your own just buy a bag of wild bird seed and add muesli, pasta and dry dog/cat food. You can also add cereals like cheerios, cornflakes and weatbix.

Tub size depends on how many females you decide to breed. Remember the babies will need room to grow though. That's if you don't seperate them. I'm assuming your spotteds are eating medium to large mice?

You may also want to consider looking into ivermectin in case of mites or worms. Apparently it's safe for rodents intended as food. But i'd double check first.

Anyway, i better stop boring everyone :p Hope this helps a little and let me know if you want to know anything else
Ivomection is a cattle injection and I didn't think they could make a lower enough dose for rodents as it would kill them cause I used it on my horses and cattle and also on my dog to get rid of ticks....
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