Can you breed Hypo Bredli's With Classic

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Not so new Member
Nov 7, 2009
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East Maitlaid
I was wondering if any one can tell me if you can breed Hypo Bredli's with Classic Bredli's
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yeah mate you sure can
but if your asking that question I think getting a bit more experience is a good idea before you start trying to breed things its not something you need to rush into
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Haha. Is that all there is to your question?

Does anyone know much about the offspring though? Say, how many would be hypo, normal, het for hypo etc.
thanks im not planing to do it staight away, my bredlis are only a year old ive got a few years to learn abit more about breeding
Haha. Is that all there is to your question?

Does anyone know much about the offspring though? Say, how many would be hypo, normal, het for hypo etc.

You can put 2 hypos together, or 2 normals from a hypo line and you will get a mix. Some will be hypo & some won't be. The genetics is undetermined AFAIK.
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It depends on the parents on the two you are breeding.

If both are parents of the same type, so the hypo had two hypo parents, and the classic had two classic parents, I would say they would probably all be classic but carrying the hypo gene. But your chances would change depending on the background of the parents of your breeding pair. If the classic is carrying hypo genes then there's a slightly higher chance you may actually get a hypo baby.
Does any one else have n e experience on this matter as im wanting to know also!

Sooo if i had a Classic bredli w/ classic parents and breed it with a hypo bredli with hypo parents ill end up with?
Does any one else have n e experience on this matter as im wanting to know also!

Sooo if i had a Classic bredli w/ classic parents and breed it with a hypo bredli with hypo parents ill end up with?

More than likely end up with classic babies carrying hypo genes. As the classic gene is the dominant gene the classic gene will show through before the hypo genes. There may be a slight chance of getting a hypo baby, but you really need the hypo gene (even if it's not showing) in the both parents to get hypo babies. So better chance would be:

hypo/hypo bred with classic/hypo

this would give you 75% chance of getting hypo babies, and only 25 chance of getting classics with hypo genes.

Hope this makes sense.
yeah it makes sense!

ive just heard alot of other people say that ill end up with hypos if i bred hypo with classic as i explained above!
Yeah, further down the line if you use those classic with hypo gene babies and go again against your full hypo then you'll do better. But yeah hypo is a recessive gene and needs more hypo genes over all to strengthen the genetic pool and therefore hypo babies. I think the only definite way would to go complete hypo x complete hypo, unless you're willing to spend time getting small amounts of hypo babies from the classic x hypo combination you may want to invest in a full hypo to begin with.

It all depends on your reason for breeding. If you have a beautiful pure classic and a beautiful pure hypo and want to breed and see what lovely babies you get then you can start with what you have now, you will get hypo babies, but eventually over time.

If you want to breed to get hypo babies, then you need to get another hypo to breed with and the process can start sooner.
They are not like albinos where you can determin the percentage via its genetics..
You wont get a 50/50 split, you wont get 100% or 66% hets etc you will always end up with an unknown amount of both. Even if you do breed 2 hypos together you will still get a mix of hypos and normals. It is an undertermined gene AFAIK.
They are not like albinos where you can determin the percentage via its genetics..
You wont get a 50/50 split, you wont get 100% or 66% hets etc you will always end up with an unknown amount of both. Even if you do breed 2 hypos together you will still get a mix of hypos and normals. It is an undertermined gene AFAIK.

Spot on. Same goes for striped bredli; one striped parent is all you need to produce more stripes.
They are not like albinos where you can determin the percentage via its genetics..
You wont get a 50/50 split, you wont get 100% or 66% hets etc you will always end up with an unknown amount of both. Even if you do breed 2 hypos together you will still get a mix of hypos and normals. It is an undertermined gene AFAIK.

I semi agree with this, but if you bred two hypos (from both hypo parents) there is better chance of getting majority hypo babies than if you put a hypo from classic/hypo parents with a full hypo. If you are getting more classic babies from two full hypos I would say that one of the parents probably wasn't hatched from a pure hypo pair. It's like saying a black dog from black parents mated with another black dog from black parents will have a mixture of gold, and black puppies because years ago that line had a gold dog.

I don't understand how you can say that genetics doesn't determine how many hypo babies a born compared to classics.

I know my result stats are probably not 100% accurate, but they wanted a general idea of their chances of getting hypo babies when mixing a hypo with a classic/hypo, and I think the basic genetics principals would still occur.
I semi agree with this, but if you bred two hypos (from both hypo parents) there is better chance of getting majority hypo babies than if you put a hypo from classic/hypo parents with a full hypo. If you are getting more classic babies from two full hypos I would say that one of the parents probably wasn't hatched from a pure hypo pair. It's like saying a black dog from black parents mated with another black dog from black parents will have a mixture of gold, and black puppies because years ago that line had a gold dog.

You will still get an unknown amount of either. Some of us have tried working with hypos and have put 2 known hypos together? SXR have tried to establish a good line of hypos with selective breeding so the process has been done before and the results remain the same. An unknown amount of either (sometimes very few, sometimes a fair few)

I don't understand how you can say that genetics doesn't determine how many hypo babies a born compared to classics.

Because nobody can predict the ratio of offspring regardless of parentage involved, therefore it is undetermined by man (maybe I should have used the words UNKNOWN & UNPROVEN instead) Of course the genetics determins the outcome, that is common sense but is the trait recessive, dominant, co-dom or other? I am not too genetic savvy but I believe "hypo" is supposed to be a dominant gene according to the majority. However there is plenty of argument overseas whether it is infact dom or co-dom though.

I know my result stats are probably not 100% accurate, but they wanted a general idea of their chances of getting hypo babies when mixing a hypo with a classic/hypo, and I think the basic genetics principals would still occur.

You will get a mixed result regardless.
It will always be an unknown amount. Whether you use 1a single or multiple hypo animals

So to answer the original poster, you will get a mix. I hope this helps.
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In the gorges and ranges of central Australia, you will find bredli specimens exhibiting a variety of colours and patterns. They breed freely with one another and produce a variety of offspring in any one clutch. It is the same with those specimens bred in captivity far from their natural range. As Simon Stone has said before, hypo parents will produce some classics in a clutch and a classic pair will at times produce a hypo, it is about dominant and recessive genetics.
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